5 reasons why 40 is way better than 30

5 reasons why 40 is way better than 30

woman is happy

© Leland Bobbe / Getty Images

Did you just turn 40? Or just before? Or after? Our heartiest congratulations! There’s absolutely no reason to be sad about it in any way. 40 isn’t just the new 30, it’s a whole lot better. We also tell you why.

by Theresa Koenig

1. You can finally stay on the couch without a guilty conscience!

Festivals in the pouring mud and rain? Drinking until 5 in the morning? Must have for the opening of this great new restaurant? If you’ve already done everything, that was great too – but if you just want to lie on the sofa, you know very well that you won’t miss anything. Of course, when you go out, you enjoy it even more.

2. You know exactly what you want.

You’ve tried a lot, you know where you stand. You don’t have to please everyone anymore because you know it won’t work anyway. And if you say “no”, it will suddenly be understood. After all, you’re not a girl anymore. Luckily.

3. You don’t care that much about your looks anymore!

By the time you’re 40, you usually already have one or two wrinkles on your face. However, you usually get along better with it, after all it’s not the first and it won’t be the last. And, yes, the connective tissue on the upper arms used to be tighter. But: overall you can be proud of, you know that much better than ten years ago.

4. You really got the point about men now!

Guys who don’t treat you well have stopped coming into your house for a long time. You already have two children and the right man or the first chapter of family planning behind you and now at best a nice guy for fun. In any case, you usually no longer believe in the knight on the white horse, which complicates things immensely. (If you do, unfortunately we can’t help you anymore!).

5. There are worse things!

This is sad and helpful at the same time. By the age of 40, most people have already experienced so much that they know that there are more dramatic things than a failed presentation, a stolen bike or a failed date. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you never get upset again, but you usually calm down more quickly.


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