5 recipes for moisturizing and light homemade masks

Hair care can sometimes weigh the hair down. Here are 5 homemade masks to take care of your hair, while keeping volume.

To detangle, say goodbye to split ends or bring shine to the hair, nothing like a hair mask. Unfortunately, many of them contain silicones and sulfates. These substances are not toxic to health, but they tend to weigh down the hair fiber and cause the hair to lose all its natural volume. The nightmare of fine hair looking for cut ideas to increase the volume.

To remedy this, you can make your own masks with ingredients that you can easily find at home. Among the natural elements beneficial for fine hair, you will find in particular avocado, coconut, olive and castor in the form of vegetable oils, but also clay, or spirulina (an edible micro algae). If the smell of the mixture discourages you from leaving it on your hair for several minutes, you can add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice.

Homemade mask for fine hair with castor oil

Mix ½ teaspoon of castor oil (you can also choose avocado or vegetable olive oil) with a plain yoghurt followed by a tablespoon of spirulina, neutral henna or clay (white or pink) . Apply the mixture from root to tip and leave on for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse with clear, lukewarm water and finish with a shampoo. For more shine but also to close the hair cuticles, you can finish with a jet of cold water.

The homemade oat milk mask for fine hair

In a container, mix 2 teaspoons of Rhassoul powder, half a glass of oat milk, a few drops of lemongrass essential oil and vegetable coconut oil to form a paste. Leave everything on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing and ending with a shampoo.

Homemade mask for fine hair with avocado and olive oil

Mix a very ripe avocado mashed with a fork with a tablespoon of olive oil and an egg yolk. Leave everything on for about 30 minutes, before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Homemade fine hair mask with clay

To control excess sebum and combat oily hair, mix 4 teaspoons of green clay with 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Add a few drops of water to form a paste, then apply everything on your roots while massaging for about 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and remove any residue from the homemade mask with a special oily hair shampoo.

Homemade yogurt hair mask

Beat a whole egg, then add a white yogurt. Apply the mixture to the hair from root to tip before leaving everything under a plastic film or charlotte for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

Passionate about information and the world of beauty, but above all about make-up, Margaux researches and works daily to find the best tips and advice for you. Young journalist on the lookout, she hopes…

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