5 simple tips to reassure him


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It is normal for a child to be afraid of thunderstorms. So to reassure him, here are 5 simple and easy tips.

It’s well known that storms can be scary, especially for children. The resounding sound of thunder and the startling light of lightning can easily scare the little ones. Indeed, when a storm begins, we regularly see the youngest start to shout, cry or cover their ears. As a rule, this situation is explained by the change in atmosphere created by the storm. The child passes from a calm and reassuring environment to an unusual din when the thunder rumbles and it can become a real source of anxiety.

“Fear is important for the child, it is part of the development, and it is what will allow him to stay alive, by being wary at first of what could endanger him, and by remaining in this survival instinctthanks to the fear which is in its first protective function.” explains the psychologist and psycho-pedagogue Florence Millot, author of the book Helping your child to overcome his fears. So as parents, it is important toidentify what really scares your child : the noise, the flashes of light, the blackout that plunges you into the dark… In this way, the solution will be easy to find to allow the child to overcome his fear of storms. To help you, here are some ideas to apply.

5 very simple tips to apply

Does your child love math? To help him control his fear, you can play with it and count the number of seconds between the lightning and the thunderclap (the lightning always announces the blow). This trick allows you to see coming and therefore not to be surprised by the sound of thunder.

Does your child have a real artistic soul? Turn the storm into a show ! Take a stick and perform arm movements like a conductor. This trick will entertain the child and therefore distract him from his fear.

Noise is your little one’s big worry? Find a sound that distracts him. Put on some music and invent a choreography, watch television together or even offer to listen to an audio book. All of these activities can divert his attention.

Ask your child to draw a picture of the storm and the return of the sun. Drawing allows you to distance yourself from an anxiety-provoking situation. With this technique, he will integrate that the bad weather does not last.

Does your child love stories? Offer him books on thunderstorms. This will allow your toddler to better understand a situation that he will have discovered over the pages alongside his favorite characters.

Since May 2021, Pauline has joined the Aufeminin team. A journalism student, Pauline is currently on a work-study program and writes for the Aufeminin and Parole de Mamans websites. Curious and passionate, she…

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