5 things in your kitchen to simply clean with a lemon (an effective and natural method)

According to this Lifestyle influencer with 1.6 million subscribers on Instagram, this natural lemon-based tip is a small revolution for cleaning your kitchen. Supporting evidence.

Lemon is a little the ultimate health asset. Rich in vitamin C and minerals, it is also full of flavonoids, antioxidants whose purpose is to neutralize free radicals, which are mainly responsible for cell oxidation. Moreover, we recommend to take it on an empty stomach, in a large glass of lukewarm water upon waking. Because it helps boost metabolism, drain the liver, and even help lose weight.

But its spectrum does not stop at health benefits. For example, it can help fight bleeding, such as that caused by loose teeth. But where it reveals its full potential is in the house. Economical and multi-use, lemon is the magic ingredient (just like baking soda) for cleaning many parts of your interior without chemicals. Jessicamay_homelifestyle influencer 1.6 million subscribers on Instagram demonstrates this in one of his latest videos. She shares 5 tips for cleaning your kitchen with lemon.

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Washing machine

Maintaining your washing machine is important to limit the risk of mold and bad odors. If vinegar is renowned for stripping your machine, lemon also has great promises to keep. Its abrasive qualities will allow it to thoroughly descale your machine. But the secret is to add toothpaste !

To do this, take a lemon, cut it in half, put toothpaste on each side, put them in your drum, and start your usual program. Do not hesitate to spread the surface of the porthole with your lemon/toothpaste mixture. You’ll see, your machine will come out looking like new.

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The sink can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. Rather than using lemon alone to clean and restore shine, combine lemon with baking soda, advises Jessica.

To do this, sprinkle baking soda on half a lemon to clean your sink. The abrasive mixture of baking soda and citric lemon helps remove any dirt buildup and leaves it smelling fresh.

The cutting board

To preserve your cutting board, but above all to clean it thoroughly, it is advisable to maintain it well after each use, using a cleaning brush for example. In fact, bacteria can lodge in the grooves, due to the wood and its material, which, in contact with humidity, tends to move. And bacteria on a cutting board…no one wants that.

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But to go further, use lemon and salt. Sprinkle your board with a little sea salt, cut your lemon in half, and use it as a sponge. Leave for a quarter of an hour before rinsing, and dry the board with a clean cloth. When it comes to preserving wood, a little almond or grapeseed oil is a good choice for maintenance.

The oven

To remove residue and grease stains, there is no need to use abrasive and chemical products. Lemon will be enough.

To do this, put a few quartered lemons in water and place them in a hot oven. 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The steam and acidity of the lemon will have the effect of loosening encrusted dirt and burnt stains from the oven. Then use this warm lemon water to scrub the inside of your oven and the glass. You will see, your sponge will come out completely black.

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Bonus: the house by creating a natural scent

What’s better than a natural scent that fills your home? Once again, lemon offers you an opportunity to create a natural scent at a lower cost.

Jessicamay_home advises in this case to simmer the citrus fruit in a saucepan, and to add some rosemary, vanilla extract and peppercorns. Cook everything over low heat, and once the aroma is released, turn off. This blend of citrus and vanilla gives off a beautiful aroma that spreads throughout your kitchen. A little advice, finish with this step. This will be the cherry (lemon) on the cake.

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