5 things that make shy people attractive

5 things that make shy people attractive

© beornbjorn / shutterstock

They like to stand in the second row instead of pushing themselves forward. They would like to run away from unfamiliar situations. Why shy people are the real winners anyway.

1. You observe very closely

Shy people watch others and the situation around them very closely – after all, they want to get a better grip on their insecurity. What at first glance looks like being overly cautious turns out to be a very good strategy in many situations: to get a very precise picture before reacting. Conclusion: shy people have an eye for detail.

2. You can listen well

Shy people not only look closely, they also listen very well. No inner rampage pig impatiently waves its arms and urges others to smack them. Because they fear curious people, shy people prefer to ask a lot of questions themselves – and automatically do what is considered the basis for good conversation: They show interest in others. Conclusion: Shy people are considered pleasant conversationalists.

3. You are empathetic

How do you think the other person is feeling now? What thoughts do you have in your head? Shy people are very good at empathizing with other people’s emotions. You are empathetic. Because they know their own feelings and fears so well, shy people also have less difficulty in noticing and classifying them in other people. Conclusion: It’s so easy to fool shy people.

4. You are careful

The chances that shy people get carried away headlong into something they later regret are rather slim – they are far too cautious for that. Before making a decision, you carefully weigh all possible advantages and disadvantages. Admittedly, shy people are not exactly the most spontaneous contemporaries, but they usually know well what they are getting into and what they are not. Conclusion: shy people don’t fall flat on their faces so easily.

5. You have charm

What is often uncomfortable for shy people often makes them extremely sympathetic to others: When they blush easily because they are excited. When they get confused in conversation. When they push around because they like a man or a woman so much. This shyness is often perceived as very charming by others – unnoticed by the shy ones. Conclusion: shy people often don’t even notice how adorable they are.


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