5 things that should never die out, even in long marriages

Newly in love
5 things that should never die out, even in long marriages

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After a long time together things sometimes become routine. For example, watching TV together, having dinner together, or always asking how the day was going – and quickly dealing with this question with one or two words.

Even if we seem to already know our partner inside out and have spent many days and nights with him/her, that doesn’t mean we can’t still discover something new. Even after years or decades, we can still learn from each other and surprise each other. For example, because you or your loved one have discovered new hobbies or music for you or yourself. We give you five practical tips to help you get to know each other better and strengthen your relationship.

1. Create memories together

You can often look back on years of beautiful moments, but creating new memories is also great for your happy hormones. What have you always wanted to try or see? Maybe one of you would like to test a certain sport or roam through Berlin’s catacombs? Visit a poetry slam, a burlesque evening or an opera?

In a small game you can take turns with the new ideas again and again. Because the decisions shouldn’t be left to just one person. The possibilities are endless when it comes to new ventures. We just have to find them – and when we brainstorm together, it’s usually not that difficult.

2. Having fun together

It can also be smaller things that bring you joy. For example, a crazy or tricky (board/card/parlor) game or a themed party with friends. Sometimes an impromptu living room dance party for two or a favorite song blaring loudly around the room is enough – or both together.

Instead of always following the same patterns, we can break out of them and sometimes surprise others with it. This is fun for the one who thought it up – but mostly even for both partners.

3. Date Nights

There’s nothing wrong with the couch and sweatpants life: it’s comfortable, cozy and quiet. But every now and then it can be something special. Here, too, you can take turns deciding where to go. The classic Italian or the Kenyan restaurant? Korean or Greek? There are so many different cuisines and dishes that we can’t try them all in one lifetime, so why not try to cover at least a part. Other ideas: going to the cinema, the theater or another event – or enjoying a nice view or the sunset together with wine and something to eat.

4. Quality time

Not only doing something together can be nice. Also doing nothing together or getting intimate with each other. This can happen on a cozy evening in front of the fireplace, in bed or as an occasion to take a bath together. At least if the bathtub is big enough. Order from your favorite restaurant, have a good time and just be close to each other again.

5. Talk to each other

The question of how your own day was often quickly ended with a “good”. Instead, it can be three out of four sentences – and it doesn’t need anything earth-shattering. It can also be about what you read in the newspaper in the morning or what you cooked for lunch or, for example, how busy shopping was. Just tell each other what comes to mind at first and later actively listen to your partner at their part.

To create an even more emotional level, there are also many tips on how you can talk to each other about your relationship.

Source used: Psychology Today


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