5 things that would probably kill your relationship

end of a love
5 reasons that usually mean the end of a relationship

The end of a long-term relationship often comes slowly.


For years we have shared everything with each other, experienced good times and bad and mastered many a stormy sea together. And then it’s suddenly over and no one knows exactly what it was. But for many separations there are good reasons that only become apparent much later

Breakups are never a cakewalk. Whether you have been left or are leaving yourself: no one leaves a relationship without a scratch. Saying goodbye to a formerly loved one is painful and usually not easy for either party to process.

Liebesaus: The causes slowly creep in

But if you go into analysis after the end of a love relationship, you shouldn’t just blame the other person. Actually, that’s exactly when the time has come to objectively get to the bottom of the causes. Because if you dig a little deeper, the causes are usually much further back than assumed. In the video we have summarized 5 reasons why a relationship can falter.

Source used: wienerin.at


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