5 things to consider when choosing baby diapers

For your baby to thrive and develop properly, she needs to be well supported and supported, but it is also best if she is comfortable and well equipped.

A child can be changed between 5 and 10 times a day. And if it is advisable to change baby before or after a bottle (or breastfeeding), it is also done before going to bed and getting up, as well as whenever he has a wet diaper. Keeping baby's bottom dry, in addition to contributing to his well-being, also helps prevent diaper rashes.

As baby will spend the first 3 years of his life wearing diapers, you might as well choose them carefully, checking that they are suitable, comfortable, well composed, eco-responsible and that they keep all their promises.

But in the face of the profusion of offers, we are quickly lost. So what are the criteria to take into account before choosing? Which diapers to buy for baby? To help you see more clearly, here are 5 things to consider when buying diapers for your newborn baby.

1- The composition

To avoid any risk of irritation, pay attention to the composition of your baby's diapers. Choose diapers with a safe composition, such as Lotus Baby Natural Touch diapers. They contain 0% lotion, perfume or dye in contact with baby's skin. They are EU Ecolabel certified and accredited by independent dermatologists from the Skin Health Alliance. A proof of the harmlessness of their composition.

2- Comfort

Your little one starts learning to move and move from birth. Baby crawls, stands on his elbows then on all fours, begins to pull himself up and finally, to stand up to walk like an adult. During all of these essential stages, he needs to be comfortable with his actions. To make his life easier and improve his well-being, it is essential to put him in comfortable diapers.
Prefer soft and flexible diapers so that your baby feels free in his movements and is not irritated by the friction of the diaper on his skin. Check regularly that the diapers are still her size by sliding two fingers between the diaper and her belly button.

3- The labels

Did you know ? In France, 3.5 billion diapers are thrown away each year, which represents 351,000 tonnes of waste.
To reduce environmental pollution, it is better to opt for EU certified diapers Ecolabel, which use quality products that are more respectful of the environment. This is the case of Lotus Baby diapers which also benefit from the certification FSC, which means that its components come from responsibly managed forests.

Diapers that are soft for baby's skin AND good for the environment, what more could you want?

4- Absorption capacity

Baby is running around everywhere, so make him wear good absorbent diapers to prevent him from macerating in the humidity. This will allow him to play, sleep, grow, wake up longer and stay dry.

Well-adjusted diapers, especially around the waist to avoid "lifts in the back" will also be a gain in serenity for baby … as for you. So check that the diapers you choose are equipped with an effective anti-leak system.

5- The humidity indicator

It can be difficult to tell if your baby's diaper is full. No more barbaric methods such as smelling the diaper or peeling and reattaching the diaper, which removes the adhesive. You just need to equip yourself with a diaper with a humidity indicator. This colorful little device will turn green when it's time to change your little one … No need to stick your nose in the diaper or wake up baby to know if it's time to change it.

This baby hears his mother's voice for the first time. His reaction is priceless