5 tips for a stress-free Christmas

Joy instead of time pressure
In five easy steps to a stress-free Christmas

In five simple steps: This way, the Christmas season will not become a stress trap.


Only a few more days and then the Christ Child will be at the door. But there is still a lot to do before Christmas Eve. We’ll show you in five steps how you can manage the final sprint to the festival without stress.

Baking cookies, decorating the Christmas tree and getting the last presents – the final days leading up to the festival are filled to the brim with urgent last-minute tasks. If you want to sit relaxed with your loved ones after this mammoth task in time for the sound of the bell, you have to develop a strategy in good time.

Joy instead of time pressure: This is how you get to the party relaxed through the countdown

The magic word is deceleration. To beat the stress of the pre-Christmas period, there are five simple steps that can make your life easier. In the video we show you how to step on the brakes before Christmas without losing sight of your goal.

Source used: yourtango.com


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