5 tips from a coach to get back in shape before the start of the school year

Back to school is one of the times of the year when you want to play sports or get back in shape after the summer. Blanche, sports coach at Fitness Park, gives us her advice to get back in shape before the start of the school year.

Summer is (unfortunately) coming to an end. Gone are the days at the beach, trips, ice cream in town, long hours spent reading on the sand… Back to school time has come, and for many, it rhymes with getting back to work and getting back in shape. Back to school is indeed a key moment because it is at this moment that we want to get into, or get back to, sport, where we want to try new activities (dance, boxing, gymnastics, swimming, etc.), buy new clothes and start on the right foot. It is a period that inspires renewal.

After a summer spent enjoying good food and lazy days, finding the machines in the gym or group classes can be difficult. That’s why we called on Blanche, a sports coach at Fitness Park. The specialist listed her 5 tips to get back in shape to attack back to school.

1/ Ask the right questions and set realistic goals

This is certainly the most important advice from coach Blanche. “The key when starting out or getting back into sport is not to rush. Because if you perform sessions that are too difficult, then you can more easily get discouraged and lose motivation.” You must first understand your body, determine your program according to your abilities : “it’s by doing this and setting achievable goals that motivation will stay: you will see results and you will want to continue your efforts. You have to do things at your own pace.”

2/ Keep motivation by practicing with others

Keeping up the motivation for the start of the school year is not easy. “Practicing a sporting activity with others, in a group during group lessons or in pairs with a friend motivates you and allows you to stay in this state of mind”, White advises. “Boosting together is especially interesting if you are starting a new activity.” Indeed, it is less difficult to go to a new gym or your first boxing class if you are with someone you know. “L’group effect pulls you up because everyone encourages each other. You can also share your tips and results with others. However, if you are alone, you can quickly get discouraged.

3/ Don’t forget the essentials: hydration and warming up

To stay motivated, the training sessions must suit you, but also respect certain rules to ensure good recovery and the proper functioning of your body without traumatizing it. “For this, we must not forget the essential moments of the session: hydration and warm-up”, says Blanche. “These are the pillars of a good workout.” Indeed, during a sports activity, you lose a lot of water. It is essential to drink during your sports activity. Then, the warm-up prepares your body for physical exercise and limits the risk of injury.

4/ Have good equipment

Being well equipped is essential for doing sport in good conditions. “Buying new leggings, new sneakers, a mat, a water bottle… All of this can also help you maintain or find the motivation to go to your sports class because you feel good in it”explains the sports coach.

5/ Hire a coach to learn the basics

Hire a coach can really help you on many levels. “First, he or she can accompany you and motivate you”, White explains. But that’s not all : “the coach is also there to show you the right movements to perform, build you a sports routine and avoid injury. He can also show you how the sports machines work in a room or advise you on the sport practice best suited to your physical condition, your desires and your schedule. Concretely, if you don’t have fixed hours, the room is highly recommended. “But if you don’t like the room you can find another activity to do such as running, dancing… The important thing is not to see sport as a constraint: yoga, pilates, there’s something for everyone !”

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