5 tips to prepare for your annual interview

In 2023, more than one out of two employees will be increased. Faced with inflation that is reaching unprecedented levels in the 21st century, the research firms working on the subject are unanimous: the annual increase will be almost generalized, for an average increase of 4%. With that in mind, here are 5 expert tips if you’re about to negotiate your salary for 2023.

1 Do not hesitate to ask for a raise

It’s already the law: the employer is required to engage in negotiations each year on the effective wages, the effective duration and the organization of working time. Extract from article L132-27 of the Labor Code. It applies to companies where a union representative has been appointed, a procedure that is obviously more automatic in companies with more than 50 employees than in others.

In fact, this year, in view of all the opinion studies and surveys of human resources departments, there is clearly no reason to be afraid to ask the question of the increase during an interview. annual. Because wage increases and employee claims will be much more systematic than usual. More than half of the employees surveyed (54%) plan to ask for a salary increase during the annual end-of-year interviewand 64% intend to do so during the year 2023, notes the recruitment firm Robert Half after a survey carried out this fall (1).

In this particular year, in a context of high inflation (6.2% according to INSEE in November), which led to three increases in the minimum wage in 2022, and a few months after the passing of the purchasing power laws, certain companies even taken the lead: There are indeed companies where the annual negotiations have been brought forward to 2022 in the face of inflation, testifies Franck Chron, partner at Deloitte and specialist in HR consulting. And if your employer has not taken the lead, the annual interview is indeed an adequate moment: The only obligation is the existence of an annual negotiation, no matter when. But in fact most often the negotiations are decided between the beginning of December and the beginning of February.

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2 – Inflation, an argument for an increase in 2023

The increase in wages in proportion to inflation is the measure that 78% of employees would like their employer to adopt in order to more easily cope with the increase in costs, slips the firm Robert Half, following its survey. But only 22% of employers surveyed to make the firm’s annual salary guide say they will increase their salaries in proportion to inflation in 2023.

The 7% or 10% increase will not be for everyone, the average increase being announced around 4% (or slightly more) by the firms People Base CBM, Deloitte, Alixio or WTW. Important clarification: Franck Chron, of Deloitte, specifies that the 4% increase represents the overall increase in payroll. An estimated +3.5% salary increases [sans] job development.

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3 – Know (roughly) how much your colleagues or colleagues are paid (even if it’s taboo)

Ah. How many countries are your colleagues from? Or your colleagues, working in other companies in similar positions? In France, it’s taboo, regrets Jrme Blanc, senior manager at the recruitment firm Robert Half. And knowing the remuneration of a friend or a colleague will not necessarily be representative. We are an American group and in the United States the salaries are posted.

So… what solution, to want to effectively compare your remuneration? Jrme Blanc advises at least to consult the salary guideslike the one said by his Robert Half group, or those of other firms (Robert Walters, Michael Page, etc.), or the tool offered by Linkedin, among others.

Then just find out about the regional developments and, above all, on the developments in your industry. Example, in the hotel and catering industry, the increases did not wait until January 2013: The increase in the course of 2022 is explained by a branch negotiation, specifies Franck Chron, of Deloitte. They voted 8%, and employers most often increased salaries by 10% to 15%. Beyond this particular case, the sectors of energy, finance and pharmaceuticals are generally those which push the increases the most, underlines Franck Chron. It is new the case but this year it is indeed much more general than usual.

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4 Know how much you want

Ask for the moon (much more than you expect) or stay down to earth? There is no good method, answers Jrme Blanc. The goal is not to be late. In short: know how much you want to achieve at the end of the negotiation, if there is negotiation during your annual interview. Have a specific objective in mind, without revealing it, asking slightly (and reasonably) a little more.

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So how much? Everything obviously depends on your personal development, the objectives set last year by your superiors, and so on. Is there a fair salary for a given position? Knowing how much you’re worth is the million dollar question, recognizes Jrme Blanc, of the recruitment firm Robert Half. He sees several ways to answer it, and among them: Are you comfortable in your sneakers? With three key elements: remuneration, workload and balance with personal life. Finally, the best way to know how much we are worth is how much are we being hunted?” or how much are the offers for equivalent positions?”.

5 – Do not forget the -cts

It is impossible to measure everything but the 4% [de hausse globale prvue en 2023] do not include the Macron bonus and employee savings or other social benefits, points out Franck Chron, of Deloitte.

The takeover of RTT? The same firm estimates that less than one company out of two has given RTT buybacks to its employees. The Macron premium reviewed and corrected? 48% of companies are planning a payment in 2023 according to its latest survey 2023 forecast increase budgets (2). Restaurant tickets raised? 62% of respondents have set up restaurant vouchers. Among them, 30% plan to increase their amount for an average of 9.10 euros, i.e. an increase of 30 cents compared to the amounts observed in 2022. And finally the sustainable mobility package? Only a little over a third of the companies surveyed have implemented it, but Deloitte asserts that 27% of companies not equipped with this package plan to include it in their annual negotiations.

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(1) Online survey carried out on November 17, 2022 with a representative panel of 1,000 French employees aged 18 to 55.

(2) The NAO study by Deloitte study is based on a panel of 300 companies and more than one million individual compensation data within the main sectors of activity.

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