5 tips to stimulate and preserve your memory

Memory must be stimulated and preserved as the years pass. Here are 5 tips to follow every day for a boosted memory!

As Hercule Poirot, the famous character of Agatha Christie, with dazzling intelligence, would say, it’s time to do “work his little gray cells“. If working on your memory does not allow us to discover who the assassin is, exercises can help stimulate and preserve it. Especially sincethere is not just one memory, but three : working memory (short term); semantic or episodic memory and finally procedural memory or perceptual memory (linked to the senses).

Suffice to say that a small Sudoku page once a year is not enough. However, rest assured, there are 5 simple and effective exercises to improve your memory, without being asked to memorize the dictionary. As a reminder, if the words “exercises” and “training” are used to talk about cognitive stimulation, the brain is in no way a muscle. On the other hand, it is possible to reinforce it!

Do a physical activity

According to numerous epidemiological studies, there is a link between physical activity and memory. Indeed, the hormone that the body produces in the midst of sporting effort, called noradrenaline, could play a role in the process of attention and memorization. However, physical activity must be practiced a few hours after having solicited your little gray cells!

To chew gum

If this technique seems strange, it is nevertheless all that is more serious. According to a 2011 study, relayed by the site Futura, chewing gum could boost your memory abilities. However, another study by Cardiff University contradicts this previous study.

Basically, the two studies are not far from reality. If chewing gum distracts short-term memory, it helps fight stress and stay focused on your task, or retain, explains the site. On the other hand, the taste of the chewing gum does not matter!

Draw what you want to remember

The forms of drawing (spatial, visual, etc.) would, according to a Canadian study from 2018, activate more storage areas in our brain. It would also be advisable to draw what you want to rememberwhether you are in kindergarten or at the bridge club, especially if you are at the bridge club.

Eat squares of chocolate

Like tea and coffee, chocolate, preferably dark, is rich in methylxanthines. The other bonus is the presence of flavanols in the cocoa bean which would have a positive effect on the cerebral circulationthe immune system and the ability to learn, details the site Medisite. No more reason to deprive yourself of this little pleasure!

Avoid reading under blue light

Tablets, mobile phones, computers or e-readers emit blue light. A light that does not have a positive impact on your memory. In contrast, reading is recommended to stimulate and preserve memory. Indeed, it promotes memorization, oral expression and allows you to diversify your vocabulary. Reading in front of a good book also helps stabilize brain plasticity.

Marion Mancho

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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