5 unromantic signs that you’ve already found the man of your dreams

True love
5 unromantic signs that you’ve already found your dream man

“It’s a match!” – Have you already found your dream man?


Do you get flowers from your sweetheart at most once a year and you never travel to Paris for romantic short trips? Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you don’t fit together perfectly! We’ll tell you which everyday rituals often mean more than the grand gestures.

Especially when a relationship is getting on in years, it can well be that the romance gradually falls asleep. But is that why you should question everything? It’s also the little things in a relationship that show that you’ve actually found your perfect partner a long time ago – even if your friends sometimes don’t understand this, you know how lucky it is that you have found each other. We’ll tell you in the video which little everyday rituals these are.
