6 things to know before you start giving birth

You should have given birth several days ago and the words “end of my childbirth” have been ringing in your head ever since. When to worry Should we induce childbirth? We take stock.

You’ve been waiting for months for this great moment, and then … nothing happens. No one imagines that things will turn out like this, but it is not uncommon to have to induce childbirth because a baby is slow to arrive. Especially since the first child often takes a little time. And it is true that this wait can be quite stressful for the mother-to-be. Aside from the fact that each additional day of pregnancy puts a strain on the body, being patient day after toy and hour after hour can also make you quite nervous.

What if there is a problem with the baby? And what if you really have to induce labor? It is quite normal that questions and doubts arise at such times. But don’t worry: so you know exactly what to expect, we’ve explained everything you need to know about induction of labor!

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1. When should you start labor?

Being a few days late for your due date is usually not a problem. But certain factors make it necessary to artificially induce labor. In case of placental insufficiency, for example, the doctor should immediately induce labor. The same applies if there is a risk to the mother or the baby.

And if the offspring is simply slow in coming, and the date of birth is exceeded by more than 10 days, sooner or later, it also means that action must be taken and that your childbirth will be triggered.

2. Can you induce childbirth yourself with home remedies and tips?

It doesn’t matter if the doctor has to induce labor. But, before that happens, the expectant parents can (attempt) to use a few tricks themselves to trigger the birth.

  • Exercise : Although each stage is difficult at the end of pregnancy, intense physical activity can often induce labor.
  • Hot bath : step into the tub! 20 minutes in hot water can induce labor.
  • Gender: Sex is relaxing, and at the very end of pregnancy, it can induce labor as well. Prostaglandins contained in semen are involved. Don’t worry, during pregnancy they have no effect on premature births.
  • Stimulate the nipples: With or without sex, nipple stimulation can induce labor in late pregnancy.
  • Spicy food: How about a good spicy chili? Spicy foods can also kick-start the birthing process.

Midwives also offer acupressure, aromatic oils or foot reflexology so that the birth process is finally underway.

3. What are the methods of inducing labor?

Pregnant women often want a natural childbirth, without medication. One method that does not require drugs is detachment of membranes. This solution can be used to induce labor when the cervix is ​​already slightly open. The doctor or midwife may run their fingers and massage the inside of the cervix to loosen the outer covering of the amniotic pouch from the edge of the uterus. This manipulation is unpleasant or even painful for the mother-to-be, but in many cases, it triggers childbirth.

If the pregnant woman is already having mild contractions but there is no more activity, the doctor or midwife may open the amniotic sac. However, this procedure is rarely used because it can lead to complications.

Sometimes the doctor cannot avoid inducing a birth with medication, for example in cases of placental insufficiency. This artificial induction is dangerous neither for the mother nor for the child. There are different methods.

If the cervix is ​​already slightly open, childbirth can be started with an oxytocin infusion. Oxytocin is a hormone that occurs naturally in the body and causes the uterus to contract. This medicine makes labor start very quickly and things move forward.

Prostaglandins can also be given as suppositories, tablets, or gels to induce labor. However, some pregnant women do not respond to this hormone at all.

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4. Is the induction of labor very painful?

If the doctor says that it is very likely that the childbirth will have to be induced, the expectant mother does not only think about the “how”, but also that the childbirth will be painful. And also how it will affect the course of childbirth.

If the doctor decides to induce labor with a detachment (the operation increases the release of the hormone prostaglandin, which in turn prepares the uterus for birth, softens and opens the cervix and induces labor) , the pregnant woman should be prepared for some pain.

In general, induced deliveries are often more painful for the woman. This is because the body is usually not quite ready to welcome the baby. The contractions are usually stronger and it takes longer for the baby to be born.

If the mother has requested an epidural, she will be totally relieved of the pain.

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5. How long does it take to prepare for work?

As in the case of a natural childbirth, it is difficult to predict the duration of the process with an artificial induction of labor: Between the administration of the drug and the actual delivery, it can pass 6 hours, like practically a day. whole. It may depend.

If drugs are given to induce labor on the cervix, it is generally assumed that it will take at least six hours until the first contractions appear. However, it can take up to 24 hours for the actual birth to begin.

If the drug is administered intravenously, the contractions occur faster, but in this case they can also be stronger and longer.

6. Are there any risks in inducing childbirth?

Sometimes you have no choice: the doctor must induce labor for the sake of mother and child. However, you want to know if the trigger is associated with risks or if it is completely harmless.

There are risks involved with any procedure, but the mother-to-be does not have to worry about whether the doctor has to induce the birth. If prostaglandin gel is used, the pregnant woman may not react or react very late. Artificially induced deliveries are also more likely to end with an emergency cesarean section than normal deliveries.

For more information: consult the website of Public Health Francetarget = “_ blank”>

Important note: the information in this article is provided for informational purposes only. If you have any doubts, urgent questions or questions, you should contact your doctor.

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