6 tips on how to stop standing in the way of your happiness

6 tips on how to stop standing in the way of your happiness

© Atstock Productions / Adobe Stock

Is it always the other person’s fault that things don’t go the way you want them to? Here are 6 signs you’re standing in the way of your own happiness.

We are only too happy to blame our dissatisfaction on others or life, which can just be damn unfair. But couldn’t it also be that we stand in the way of our own happiness? Because we are too shy, don’t trust ourselves enough, are afraid of change, pessimistic or anxious, for example. And sabotaging our own happiness with destructive thoughts and behaviors.

If you recognize yourself in the following six points, it almost looks like you are standing in the way of your own happiness.

6 signs you’re standing in the way of your happiness

1) You believe what you think

Not every thought we have is constructive and helpful. On the contrary: we make ourselves look bad, we worry and are often super self-critical. Our inner voice often tells us that we are not valuable or lovable. But if we trust that voice and cultivate our self-loathing, we cannot be happy. It is important to learn to be loving with yourself.

2) You want to control everything and everyone

The desire to control others is the desire for security. Those who control get the feeling of being at the mercy of nothing and no one. But this feeling is deceptive. Your attempts to control will make you and your fellow human beings unhappy – nobody allows themselves to be patronized in the long run.

3) You take no risk

When we take risks, we can succeed, fail, and learn. But we often do not risk anything because we are afraid of failure. Whether it’s changing jobs, ending an unhappy relationship, or leaving an uncomfortable environment, getting out of your comfort zone isn’t easy. But if we never take risks, we become stagnant and stand in the way of our happiness. Life without risk is stagnation.

4) You want to change the inevitable

Wanting to achieve the best possible is a good thing. But there are things in life that we cannot change: illness, dismissal, unrequited love. Not wanting to accept the unchangeable prevents your happiness. Now it is time to let go.

5) You are a doomsayer

Do you always assume the worst will happen? If you look back, you’ll quickly see that your fears were almost always unfounded – what we fear almost never happens. But the mere fear of it prevents us from being happy.

6) You seek validation

When we constantly seek other people’s approval and validation, it means we don’t trust ourselves. It’s normal to want to be liked, but when your whole life revolves around being loved, it becomes problematic. Who are you and what do you want? That is the question whose answers will make you happy in the long term.


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