6 unstoppable tips to remove sweat stains

A nice little white t-shirt has a very short lifespan before sweat stains appear. Discover our tips for removing yellowish stains from your t-shirts.

You know for a fact that by purchasing a white top, it won’t keep a vibrant color forever. In addition to losing intensity of shade of white, your t-shirt will very quickly accommodate small yellow spots and odors, caused by perspiration, in the armpits. To avoid perpetually repurchasing t-shirts every year, here are 6 tips for cleaning up perspiration. Something to do good for the planet and your wallet.

Prevention is better than cure

Preventing the arrival of sweat stains is perhaps the best solution to avoid the tragedy. To achieve this, you must first understand why you are sweating. 3 factors in particular lead to sweating: diet, physical exercise and emotional activity (stress, excitement, etc.). These elements can cause your body temperature to rise and in this case the perspiration will be used to cool you down.

To avoid the discomfort of yellow marks under the armpits, solutions exist. First, take care of your diet and drink plenty of water. Paying attention to your caffeine intake will also help to stimulate less sweat production. Then, watch your personal hygiene, by taking a shower you eliminate bacteria and other residues.

When it comes to deodorants, you have the choice between stick or spray. On the other hand, for your health, you should prefer antiperspirant deodorants without aluminum salts. Even if this element is effective against perspiration, its substance has the function of clogging the pores of your armpits. Aluminum salts also increase the risk of developing cancer, tumor or metastasis.

Baking soda, an everyday ally

You must be sure, like all traces of surfaces and other stains on the laundry, nothing better than using baking soda. This simple trick still requires a little patience, but the result is effective. To remove the yellow sweat stain caused by daily activity, you should fill a bowl with hot water, place the dirty t-shirt in it and add two tablespoons of baking soda powder. Wait about two hours and rinse the garment in clean water before putting it in the machine, choosing the temperature recommended on the label so as not to damage the fabric. This baking soda-based trick eliminates bad odors associated with perspiration.

To see also: Washing machine: 8 washing mistakes that ruin your clothes

White vinegar, a must

The second most used product with baking soda for laundry or household maintenance, white vinegar. This time, mix hot water in a container with the white vinegar, let the t-shirt soak and use a sponge or towel then gently rub the fabric. Unlike baking soda, you don’t need to rinse the garment in plain water. It can be placed directly in the machine. The white vinegar will remove the sweat stain and revive your white fabric, bringing more shine. In addition to that, white vinegar is an effective fabric softener. If you are worried that the product will damage your laundry, you can now go with your eyes closed.

Lemon and the power of its acidity

Wondering how to use that lemon half lying around in your fridge? You can use it as a stain remover, the lemon juice scrubbing all even the most stubborn sweat stains. In addition to using a natural ingredient, it is an inexpensive fruit and a good ecological alternative to chemicals. To apply this trick, you must have a container and dilute the lemon juice previously squeezed in hot water. Soak a sponge in the mixture and lightly rub the stain. Wait a little while and machine wash the t-shirt. The antibacterial properties of lemon will even deeply purify the armpit area.

To see also: 7 fabrics that should not be machine washed

Marseille soap, the trick of our grandmothers

Grandmothers’ recipes are real remedies that save us every day. Simple and inexpensive, this Marseille soap trick will surprise you with its stain removal power. It is not for nothing that many products designed for laundry are composed of Marseille soap … Wet the perspiration stain with clear, cold water, so as not to fix it, clean it in passing Marseille soap and rub. Then rinse your t-shirt and repeat the operation until the sweat stain disappears. For even more efficiency, you can finish the process with a machine wash.

Hydrogen peroxide to breathe your laundry

Hydrogen peroxide is to be kept as a last resort. If you still cannot get rid of the stain, you can opt for this ingredient. But be careful, be sure to use it only on white, otherwise you may be surprised: it is a powerful stain remover but also a very good bleach … To use this trick, you must first soak a sponge of hydrogen peroxide and lightly rub the stain. Then let sit for a few minutes and all you have to do is rinse the t-shirt with clean water before washing it in the machine. In addition to its stain removal properties, hydrogen peroxide will restore shine to your white t-shirt tarnished by time.

See also: DIY: how to do your homemade laundry with black soap?

Video by Clara Poudevigne

Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …