67 devices confiscated – Illegal slot machines were in the beauty salon

The financial police seized 67 devices in ten shady Salzburg bars. Heavy penalties await the operators.

“We are building a new level of quality for you.” A beauty salon will soon open in the premises not far from Salzburg main train station. At least that’s what the exterior facade of the obscure rooms suggests. A stylish company logo is already plastered across a large area on the shop window. This doesn’t convince the financial police officers. They are sure: Illegal gambling is flourishing in the alleged salon. Police officers from the “Cobra” special unit force open the entrance door – and seize several gambling machines. These scenes happened just a few days ago. The authorities in the city of Salzburg checked ten shady shops. They were disguised as a “wine bar”, “betting shop” or “cosmetics studio”. Some were under video surveillance. In total, the financial police confiscated 67 illegal machines. The operators face high penalties. 10,000 euros per machine! And: In one case, investigations are underway on suspicion of forgery and fraud.
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