7 phrases about telecommuting that you just can't hear anymore

Containment is back for 16 departments, with new restrictions in effect and massive recourse to teleworking strongly encouraged. Selection of small phrases emblematic of remote work.

Containment season 3: it's back to 16 departments! As for personal life, it is advisable to get as much air out as possible, within the limit of barrier gestures. On the professional side, however, teleworking is highly recommended for those who can.
Whether you are new to this situation or know it all too well, here is our medley of the most pronounced telecommuting phrases, inspired by very real situations.

  • "Thing, your mic is off"

Great classic of meetings: whoever launches into a diatribe … has kept his microphone muted! Interrupted in his tracks, the unfortunate woman will have to start over from the beginning, since no one has followed anything.
Variant : "Whoa, can you mute your mic please?", launched to this colleague who is lucky enough to live with work / children / people who speak loudly / all three at the same time.

  • "Wait, I have no more network" / "Whoa, you're freezing"

The other great classic of telecommuting meetings, offered by those who live in a cave. Or in the eighteenth century. If this person has a Wanadoo email address, there is nothing more we can do for them …

  • "Do you see my screen or not?"

The ultimate trap to know if you follow, this question can also be the work of a conscientious colleague who ensures the well-being of all. If in doubt, wait for others to nod before answering like them. If you are all alone and have just been asked, remember to leave the page of this article and return to the correct tab for the meeting.

  • "Ah bah I present you my cat"

The insolence of the feline teleworking will always amaze, as will the way he sticks to his or her human being in full presentation. If it's your boss's, consider making a little compliment on said feline (#increase).

  • "It's 9:06 am, what's he / she doing?"

The advantage of meetings in physics is that there was always a good reason to be late: the bus did not pass / my bike had a puncture / my child is sick (be careful not to mix up the three expressions: saying "My child has a puncture" is neither grammatically correct, nor credible). But in telecommuting, none of these excuses work anymore, and after two minutes late, meeting participants get impatient. Have you thought about going to bed fully dressed to save time in the morning?

  • "What's the call password?"

Advantage of videoconferencing software where you need a password: life becomes a giant escape game.
Disadvantage of videoconferencing software where you need a password: life becomes a giant escape game.

  • "Are we doing a video team building?"

When you arrive in a company in 2021, it's not easy to bond with your colleagues, especially if they tend to find themselves in the situations described above. The only solution to succeed in sympathizing with your virtual collaborators: videoconferencing activities. Hopefully you don't live in a cave / don't have a cat / live in a quiet place / are on time / have the call password …