7 phrases that only sophisticated people use (they are really clever and elegant)

According to psychology, really sophisticated and sophisticated people are distinguished by the way they don’t speak, especially with certain phrases and remarks that they can address to others. Here are 7 between them.

Our way of speaking and this has long been about us. Our words can particularly speak about our level of maturity and success, our intellectual level and our personality in general. But not only, our conversations and arises also beautifully on the individual level that we are. You, for example, a sophisticated, elegant and classy person ? Attention, contrary to what some people think, one should not always use big words or complex jargon.

However, language sophistication is getting worse: it involves the use of phrases that reflect reflection, hearing, empathy and perseverance. Here are some phrases here, according to the psychologyare often used by people considered as sophisticated.

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1) “I understand your point of view”

Some people have been given the gift of fairness in such a way that others have heard and understood. They often use phrases that evoke their empathy, not the most common ones: “I understand what you think” and “I understand your point of view”. Put yourself in other people’s place, see things from his perspective and recognize his sentiments: they are the typical character traits of sophisticated people. The key here is not only to speak, but to think. Sophisticated people tend to understand the views of others, while also showing emotional intelligence and respect for the diversity of thought.

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2) “I appreciate your perseverance”

This phrase has two effects. Firstly, it shows that you agree on the importance of the opinion of another person, which favors respect and encourages open dialogue. Secondly, it means that you are open to learning and development, of traits commonly associated with sophisticated people. Remember that sophistication does not consist entirely of knowing, but of recognizing the value of other people’s thoughts and being open to continuous learning.

3) “It’s not that bad, it’s not that good”

Sophistication does not consist in acquiring all the opinions or statements of others. He tries to maintain his point of view, even if it differs from the others, while always respecting other people’s opinions. The phrase “I’m not that bad, I don’t agree” sums up this attitude well. This does not mean that you are inviting conflict. On the contrary, you will clearly see that you appreciate the diversity of ideas and that you respect the other person sufficiently to be honest in your agreement. Don’t forget that he doesn’t know why or how to hurt you; he is trying to understand and respect the other’s point of view. It implies a real sophistication.

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4) “Finding a terrain of entente”

People and classes avoid disagreements that take place throughout their lives. Instead, they create a hole, which they use like a trembler towards mutual understanding. The phrase “Find a piece of land” is one of those they use wisely. It reflects the desire to negotiate, to see through differences and to find common values ​​or interests that can penetrate individuals, but also their differing opinions. The next time you’ll be in the middle of a discussion, consider using this expression. It can open the way to a more balanced, respectful and productive conversation.

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5) “I hope to know more about this subject”

The curiosity is an underestimated attribute. The studies have established a strong correlation between curiosity and intelligence: we are more curious, we learn more and we become more intelligent. Sophisticated characters understand and express their curiosity through phrases such as “I hope to know more.” This shows that we are interested in the thoughts, stories or experiences of other people. It is an invitation to share advantageously, which not only enriches the conversation, but also creates a deeper link between the two parties. So don’t be afraid to express your curiosity. It is a sign of sophistication and an entrance gate to a world of knowledge and understanding.

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6) “You have made your best”

In the most complicated moments of life, a gentleman can make all the difference. Sophisticated people understand and are confident that they offer comforting and meaningful words like, “You are doing well.” This phrase is a prey of empathy which recognizes the efforts of a person, what will be the result. He is trying to validate their plans and to convince them that the score does not diminish in any way their value or their efforts. It’s a simple phrase, but with enormous weight. She has the power to restore her morale and strengthen her confidence.

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7) “I am recognizing you for the time that you have agreed to”

In our world at an fast pace, time is a precious gift. People really understand and appreciate how others choose to spend time with them. The phrase “I recognize you for your time” sums up this sentiment well. It means a recognition since the value of the other person’s time and an expression of gratitude for his willingness to share with you. This phrase expresses respect, appreciation and sophistication. She subtly reminds us that each moment shared with others is a privilege and a gift. Its use not only allows you to raise the level of your conversations, but also to strengthen your links with others.

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Women’s and children’s rights, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parentality, education, psychology, health, couples, sexuality, social networks… Joséphine loves to unravel all the social subjects that animate our world…

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