7 qualities with which you conquer the world and all hearts

1. You are optimistic

Your glass is always half full, even if there are only three drops left. That makes you a super pleasant contemporary. You seldom wail, you change instead of struggling, you love what you do and exude so much joie de vivre that no one can get past you without a smile.

2. You can listen well

You make yourself most interesting when you say very little. That is proven. Because people like to talk about themselves and if you give them a forum, it makes you a very popular conversation partner. So: introverts don't need to hide. You are great. Just not that loud. And that's perfectly fine …

3. You are not unfavorable

Fair, what is fair? You don't rub yourself up when the world has once again distributed a little unfairly and you have run out a little emptier than your counterpart. You know: there is no point in struggling with your own life. You heartily allow the others who they are, what they have and what they look like. And that's exactly why the hearts of others fly towards you.

4. You show weakness

Perfect facades are not yours. Then it would be better to show the crack in the wall open than to play anything. The people around you know where they are from you. There is simply no Instagram version of you and you openly admit that. You are subconsciously giving the others permission to stand by their mistakes. That makes it so nice to be friends with you …

5. You show strength

No, you can't scold a ducker, wryneck or a flag in the wind. When it comes down to it, you show attitude even when it gets uncomfortable. This is sometimes not easy for the others, but: In the end, people with corners and edges are much more popular than the adapted chameleons.

6. You see the good in everyone

You don't notice that Jule is a bit bitchy or that Nadine has grown. You are busy celebrating Jule for her cool presentation and you love to look Nadine in her beautiful face. Where others are looking for hair, you spoon soup with relish. The best thing about it is that there is usually no hair in the soup and you do everything right. The people around you will thank you with sympathy.

7. You are tolerant

As clearly as you defend your way of life, your loved ones and your values, you also concede to others that you are completely yourself. Even if it's the opposite of yourself. So what? It's their life and they'll think of something! With your tolerance you conquer not only hearts, but entire worlds that will remain closed to the small checkers today and always.