7 scientific reasons to have sex every day

Beyond the simple pleasure it provides, sex has many benefits for health and well-being. Thank you, madam science for these seven reasons to have sex every day.

If science says so … Beyond simple personal pleasure, the complicity and intimacy that this implies, making love also has real health benefits. Good general mood, better morale, boost of dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin and other beneficial chemical reactions … sex has many benefits for well-being and general health. Studies have shown that having regular sex can have far more positive consequences than you might think.

1. Sex keeps you in shape!

The scientific journal PLOS ONE published a study according to which in young people, sex burns an average of 4.2 calories per minute in men and 3.1 calories per minute in women. During your most passionate lovemaking, you can lose up to 7.1 calories per minute! If we do the math, by estimating that you make love twice a week, for about twenty minutes, that’s more than 6000 calories expended each year! Incredible, right? It makes you a much more enjoyable and affordable exercise program than any gym.

On the same subject

2. Making love cultivates your youth!

Oxford University Study Finds Sex Increases The Production Of The Androgen DHEA, A Natural Steroid Also Known As The Anti-Aging Hormone!
During sexual intercourse, DHEA is secreted in the body, and following an orgasm, its level in the blood rises to five times its normal value. Also, women who have sex more often secrete a higher level of estrogen. This makes the skin smoother and more radiant. A higher estrogen level is also synonymous with protection against heart disease, osteoporosis, and potentially, Alzheimer’s disease.

3. It’s good for morale!

A study in Scotland showed that people who had more sex, especially women, had reduced blood pressure, compared to people who abstained from sex. These results were validated by a study done at Brigham Young University in which the exact same thing was proven. On top of that (pun intended), a study in Australia also determined that people who reach their peak of pleasure at least three times a week have a 50% lower chance of dying from any medical reason than those who do not.

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Introduce yourself to pleasure … standing

4. Gentle torture is good for your skin!

While sex is practically a jogging session in terms of calorie expenditure, researchers at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital have determined that it is also ideal for your skin. This is because during your lovemaking, higher levels of oxygen are pumped into the body, which increases blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the skin. The cells of the epidermis are renewed on the surface, which gives it a healthier appearance. Women who have frequent sex therefore have better skin than others. So, drop the face creams and go do somersaults instead!

5. Sex makes your day a good day!

The first 20 minutes of your day can be decisive for the rest of its course. Why not start off with a bang? Dr. Debby Herbenick, author of numerous books on sexuality, has found that adults who have sex early in their day are not only in a better mood, but they also have a stronger immune system! So before rushing to make your coffee tomorrow, take a few more minutes under the covers …

6. Love gets rid of period cramps!

According to Dr. Jennie Campbell Leslie, the muscle contractions caused when women reach orgasm can relieve tension in the muscles of the uterus, which are the main culprits of menstrual cramps. Reducing this tension therefore significantly reduces period pain. According to the American doctor, sex and masturbation are therefore beneficial for all kinds of reasons.

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7. Sex lessens the pain!

Dr. Barry R. Komisaruk of Rutgers University in New Jersey conducted a study proving that orgasms can block pain. In his research he found that vaginal stimulation can block chronic back pain. He also showed that many women see their period pain reduced thanks to masturbation. This also applies to arthritis pain and headaches. So ladies, ladies, you know what to do: make love every day!

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Anna Gavin-Renon

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