7 signs you desperately need a girls night out

Girls only
7 signs you desperately need a girls night out

© Lucia Romero Herranz/EyeEm/Getty Images

There are many reasons to meet up with friends regularly. But there are signs that tell you that you desperately need a girls’ night out right now. Here are the seven main symptoms.

1. Relationship stress

You have stress with your partner and are about to burst? Then you should urgently get rid of your frustration. This works best with those who just let you scold and swear at first. In addition, friends can bring you down to earth and show you whether this is really as dramatic as you make it out to be.

2. Self esteem on dive

Whether you’re just having a bad day, kicking in with PMS, or going through a crisis, your girlfriends are great at re-boosting your ego. Because they know all your strengths and know what a great person you are, even if you don’t see it right now.

3. Everyday grey

Do you feel trapped between job, household, children and co? Then treat yourself to an evening just for you with your girls. Face mask, delicious drinks and trash TV. So there is hardly a better escape from everyday life if a short trip is not possible. Just enjoy the lives of others and have a good time. Cheerio!

4. You need to talk

PMS, sex, fantasies, sex toys, period pains … Topics that you don’t exactly discuss in a restaurant over pizza, but hopefully with your best friends. If you haven’t done it yet, dare! You’ll be surprised how good that feels.

5. Weights on your shoulders

Are you longing for the carefree time of your teenage years? When everything wasn’t so difficult and every decision had so much weight? Then there is nothing better than watching old tearjerkers or series with your girlfriends and traveling into a former self for an evening. Of course you can do it alone, but it’s much more fun with others.

6. You have plans but don’t dare

Whether professional changes or private. Some decisions are pretty far-reaching and jumping in at the deep end is not that easy. Then you urgently need the encouragement of those who firmly believe in us and make us aware of our strengths again.

7. Crying away

There are days when it tingles behind our eyes in the morning and the lump is stuck in our throats. Sometimes there are reasons, but sometimes there aren’t. But one thing is clear: the tears want to come out. And sometimes it also needs someone who:comforts you…


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