7 tips for diving into the metaverse

While Meta has just celebrated its 1 year, after some 20 billion invested in two years in the project, Mark Zuckerberg must be accountable to investors and users. Many consider that this first version of the virtual world by Meta, like other competing projects, is far from conclusive…

The promise of a titanic virtual universe in which people from anywhere can interact positions the metaverse as a future major contributor to the future of the internet. But maybe it’s a simple extension of the universe of video games? Or is it simply a new generation of collaborative tools? It’s hard to say, but one thing is certain: there is a consensus that has been created around the use of virtual realities and the metaverse.

Also, if it is important to ask the question of exploring potential in your context, it is just as important to address how to prepare to dive into this universe.

1. Acculturate, get inspired and test different platforms

There is not “one” but “several” metaverses. These different worlds offer new opportunities for uses and more or less immersive experiences (2D versus 3D). Still in the construction phase, their evolutions are numerous on a daily basis, and it is difficult to anticipate future orientations.

On the other hand, it is possible to integrate the fundamentals which already have a lasting character, such as the new codes of interaction which are part of a community dimension. The accessibility and the appropriation of the new functionalities offered by these universes are not intuitive, they require the use of immersive equipment such as the virtual reality helmet, powerful access platforms or even the appropriation of a avatar…

The maturity and complexity of these virtual universes depend on their category (public, private, corporate, industrial, etc.). It is therefore important to be able to explore these large families in order to make the right choices, because the investments required will become increasingly significant over time.

2. Define a Metaverse strategy

Experimentation in these universes can quickly prove to be costly in terms of time, human and technological resources if the objectives are not clear from the start.

What metaverse do we need? For what uses? It is necessary to clearly identify its objectives and the indicators which will make it possible to validate the achievement or not of the latter. For example, are we on a positioning of corporate uses of the metaverse (for training, awareness, major events) or on a positioning aimed at external actors (customers, partners in a phygital configuration)?

It will be necessary to share these strategic orientations publicly in order to associate all the internal actors concerned: IT for the technological choices, the trades for the business lines directly impacted, or transversal such as the HR department, compliance, etc. The definition of a metaverse strategy must be coupled with an iterative and progressive experimentation strategy, with a provisional budget in order to better control investments and future orientations.

3. Structure a small team and prototyping kit

Metaverse projects are major transformation projects. It is therefore essential to have an ad hoc team that is part of an Agile mode of operation.

This core team will have to take on a multidisciplinary dimension with the heavy responsibility of experimenting, innovating, but above all of being ambassadors of the metaverse within the company. As in any exploration project, being supported by an ecosystem of internal and external experts such as the core team that we will call upon according to needs and difficulties is essential.

The uses of the metaverse being very rich, it will be necessary to equip this core team with a prototyping kit (technological toolbox) allowing to increase the opportunities for experimentation and to facilitate the identification of the relevant uses for the company.

4. Develop internal and external use cases and test them

It is interesting to project your company and its economic model into these new metaverse universes by rethinking the external use cases associated with the brand. Because behind this experimentation lies the opportunity to reinvent the customer experience.

It will nevertheless be necessary to ensure consistency with the positioning and image inscribed in the real world (employer brand, eco-responsible and social commitments). Many companies have already created cross-functional and complementary uses between virtual and real worlds, such as the luxury sector with digital twins. An approach to ensure the transition between the two worlds.

Internal use cases should not be forgotten: virtual meetings and recruitment processes, immersive training can facilitate the onboarding of certain atypical or introverted profiles, who will feel more comfortable in a virtual world to express their creativity.

5. Take into account the points of attention related to the metaverse

The risks arising from the use of the metaverse are not fundamentally different from the risks already identified in the web 2.0 world! However, they require increased attention in these unregulated and unmoderated virtual universes. Platform holders and communities, and not trusted third parties such as the State, now own the rules of the game and their evolution.

Among the major families of risks identified, we find:

  • Social risks: harassment, violence, xenophobia and homophobia, etc.
  • Technological risks: cybersecurity, personal data, etc.
  • Reputational risks: piracy, counterfeiting, fraud, misinformation, etc.
  • Environmental risks: energy-intensive technologies (blockchain, AI), etc.

The awareness of internal profiles on these risks associated with the metaverse is the keystone. There needs to be a profound, gradual culture change within the organization. Also, a collective awareness that security must be automatic.

Particular attention should be paid to social and behavioral risks. The aggregation of “real” codes specific to social networks, the use of e-commerce platforms, B to B, etc. in this virtual world will contribute to accelerating the mixing of personal and professional spheres. The immersive dimension of these universes can accentuate the harmful effects of certain risks on individuals, and therefore on the company.

6. Structure the development of team skills

Thanks to the metaverse, creatives and entrepreneurs will be able to imagine the services of tomorrow. The metaverse will be a real long-term revolution, affecting almost all professions. It will be important to introduce everyone to virtual reality. All internal teams must appropriate these new technologies. Metaverse projects should not only be in the hands of gamers at the risk of favoring the playful dimension of these universes.

Training will surely be required. What better in this case than the metaverse to dispense them, in order to facilitate a smooth and generalized appropriation identical to what we have seen with collaborative tools in the pandemic period?

It is possible to appeal to the new training schools dedicated to the technologies of the metaverse. It is very likely that the internal transformation of companies thanks to the metaverse will cause an enrichment of existing professions with new know-how, and the appearance of new professions for the management of the metaverse.

7. Designate an exploration space open to all employees

Metaverse accessibility can be a challenge for future users. For those who do not have a VR headset, access by computer, smartphone and tablet is possible, with much less immersiveness.

It will therefore be important to facilitate access to metaverses internally, by increasing the number of access points and dispersing them in the company’s existing devices.

It will be relevant during the exploration phase to favor the creation of a metaverse space that is simple enough and scalable enough to take into account any differences in the pace of appropriation by internal teams.

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