77 years old, 30 films, 4 Oscars: one last film for this cinema legend?

Living legend of Hollywood cinema, Oliver Stone is currently in Cannes to present his new documentary. He took the opportunity to discuss his return to fiction. 8 years after “Snowden”, the artist would like to do one last lap.

Oliver Stone, 77, is considered one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema. Very politically engaged, the filmmaker has given us notable works like JFK, Platoon, Wall Street and Nixon.

The artist is one of the most awarded directors at the Oscars with 2 statuettes for Best Director for Born on the 4th of July (1990) and Platoon (1987). Note that this work was also honored with the Oscar for Best Film. Stone also won Best Adapted Screenplay for Midnight Express (1979).

From Oscars to documentaries

Recently Oliver Stone has turned away from the Hollywood system, concentrating on directing political documentaries such as JFK The Investigation, Conversations with Putin or Lula, a feature film centered on the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This film is presented in a Special Screening at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.

Asked by Deadline as part of the festival, the artist spoke of his desire to sign one last work of fiction before putting away his camera. He is already in the process of developing a story.

A last one for the road

“I would very much like [réaliser un autre film de fiction] ; I think I still have one in me. I have a story in mind, but I can’t tell you what it is. I know you’re going to ask me that question. But it’s an important story. I would really like to make one more film if I can bring this idea to fruition. It will be finished next year, that’s for sure.”indicated the director, visibly confident.

It has now been 8 years since Oliver Stone released a feature-length fiction film in the cinema. It was about Snowden, which was not entirely fictional because it was based on the journey of whistleblower Edward Snowden.

When he joined the teams of the CIA and then the NSA, the latter discovered at the heart of the American Intelligence Services the unsuspected extent of cyber-surveillance. Shocked by this systematic intrusion into our private lives, Snowden decides to gather evidence and disclose everything. Having become a whistleblower, he will sacrifice his freedom and his private life.

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