8 weeks to rejuvenate, the makeover exists!

Get rid of wrinkle creams and grandmothers’ remedies. We have found for you the solution to rejuvenate 3 years in just a few weeks.

The magic pill to lengthen its lifespan does not exist but … A solution has nevertheless been found, as shown by a recent study. A clinical trial has proven that a healthy lifestyle and a good diet can reduce your biological age by 3 years, that is to say the age that your body really has and which is not necessarily the right age. same as your date of birth. This rebalancing of hygiene of life decreases your biological age and you will understand why.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Isn’t it nice to know that a simple transformation in your daily habits could change your biological age? The study published in the Aging magazine, was carried out on a group of 43 men, aged between 50 and 72 years. All in good health, they were asked to follow a specific program for eight weeks, including advice on sleep, a specific diet, daily sports activity, and relaxation exercises. The participants were also prescribed supplements rich in probiotics and phytonutrients, in order to avoid or correct any nutritional deficiencies. All its components were enough to show concrete results: in two months, the participants reduced their biological age by three years, which is not negligible.

But how does this program impact the systems of the body? At birth, you inherit the genes from your parents which characterize the abilities of your systems (immune, bone, muscle, etc.). However, if you inherit genes that are not very resistant and fragile, which reduce your life expectancy or your strength in the face of the development of certain diseases, you are not condemned for all that. As this study proves, you can reduce the risk of developing pathologies and decrease your biological age with rules to be applied on a daily basis. In more scientific terms, you are changing the chemical makeup of your DNA through the study program. Taking care of your body and head with almost natural means is the key to rejuvenation.

Difference between biological age and chronological age

You have to differentiate between chronological age and biological (epigenetic) age. Chronological age is calculated based on the date you were born e. It therefore does not vary. For biological age, also known as epigenetic age, the calculation does not take into account the date of birth, but takes into account different physical characteristics. Thus, the biological age is calculated according to your systems: bone, immune, cardio-respiratory, etc. There are therefore ways to change your biological age by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This is what science has proven to us with this clinical trial.

The limits of the study

However, the result of the study should be taken with a grain of salt. If you take the sex, age and number of people who participated in the study, there is a lack of diversity and therefore the result should be taken with a little hindsight. If the research is already progressing a step, we should still examine the subject on a larger number of participants from several categories with people of different age groups and different sexes. Fortunately, the clinic has already planned to continue research on a larger group of participants in order to assess the risks of developing certain diseases according to age and to predict aging through changes in lifestyle.

See also: 5 health benefits of hugs!

Video by Elisabeth vergne

Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …