9 facts about the clitoris every woman should know


Even if you think you already know everything about sex: here are 9 amazing facts about the clitoris.

Vulva, Schamlippen, Damm … klar kennen wir uns mit der weiblichen Anatomie aus. Und das Wort “Kitzler” müssen wir auch nicht im Wörterbuch nachlesen. Aber so richtig viel wissen wir über das sensible weibliche Sexualorgan nicht. Wie leicht erregbar ist es wirklich? Welche Rolle spielt es beim Höhepunkt? Die Forscherin und Sozialmedizinerin Odile Fillod hat ein 3D-Modell der Klitoris entwickelt, das jetzt in französischen Schulen für den Aufklärungsunterrricht verwendet wird.

What is all part of the clitoris?

Fillod’s model shows how the organ runs inside the body. It is quite impressive to see the entire size of the clitoris. Here we have collected the most important and surprising facts about the pleasure organ.

1-) Bigger than expected

Contrary to popular belief, the clitoris is not just a small pearl at the top of the convergent labia.

The Hamburg sex therapist Susanna Sitari Rescio explains: “The G-spot is the area that can reach up to eight inches into the vagina, which also contains part of the clitoris, and feels with one or two fingers in the vagina the G-area is harder than the vaginal walls, the G-area is arched and ribbed and should be stimulated best by pressure and circular motions.The whole G-area is aroused during sexual intercourse.Every pair should find out which movements Women who are not yet well acquainted with the feeling of stimulation often think they need to water, but after a while they learn to differentiate that feeling. ”

2-) More than sensitive

And otherwise, none of our body parts has as many nerve endings as the clitoris.

3-) The right stimulation

Vaginal orgasms that are triggered by sexual intercourse are a rarity. Around a quarter of all women never come to orgasm, just under a third regularly, but not always. Too little stimulation of the clitoris – for example due to lack of friction on the pelvis of the partner – during sexual intercourse makes the excitement of the clitoris usually slowly but surely ebb.

Susanna Sitari Rescio explains how women can have an orgasm: “We women have learned that men are active and women are passive, but that is nonsense, the man is actively invading, but the woman is actively receiving and thus can significantly contribute to her Orgasm, moving the pelvis is the key to orgasm. ”

4-) The position is crucial

How intensively the clitoris is stimulated during the penetration depends on the position and the activity of the woman and has an effect on the probability of orgasm.

Therefore, the sex therapist Susanna Sitari-Rescio advises: “In the riding position, the clitoris is easiest to stimulate, and as soon as it moves its pelvis back and forth, it can rub the clitoris in a targeted manner, even circular movements can help If the woman is downstairs, say in the missionary position, it is important to make sure that she gets enough contact and stimulation on the clitoris.If necessary, the woman can attract the partner’s pelvis to this contact Basically, the motto is: ‘Be active, move, move your pelvis!’

5-) The distinction is not easy

Is there a difference between vaginal and clitoral orgasm?

The clitoral orgasm is very punctual, as the body remains tense during intercourse and the orgasm can not spread throughout the body, but it is usually perceived as very intense. The vaginal orgasm, on the other hand, appears larger across the country The body and the pelvis often move more, and the holistic movement spreads the orgasm to the body and makes it more intense throughout the body, “says Susanna Sitari Rescio.

6-) Excitement can be learned

The arousal reflex is innate, the stimulation modality – how a person stimulates himself – is trained, therefore modifiable and expandable, says Susanna Sitari Rescio. This means that everyone gets started on other touches, so the trick is to get involved in new stimuli and love new techniques, and those who have problems can be helped in a sex therapy.

7-) The clitoris is erecting more often than you think

In the normal state, the circumference is around two to three centimeters. When excited, the clitoris swells by blood flow to double. And the stimulation is not only active through sex. Just as the man’s penis can swell while sleeping, the clitoris can also spontaneously erect.

😎 Too much of the good

Also, the clitoris can someday no longer. No matter how nice the orgasm is. For self-protection, to avoid pain.

9-) Every woman is different

The distance from the outer clitoris to the vagina can vary in women and, accordingly, favor or prevent their orgasms. Women with the clitoris closer to the entrance of the vagina will be more easily orgasmed by the more intense contact with the penis. In some women, it is a little smaller, larger in others.