9 reasons why sandbox friends are irreplaceable

Best buddies
9 reasons why sandbox friends are irreplaceable

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Sandbox friendships can sometimes not be explained with the head. Because sometimes we have almost nothing in common in the now. But that’s the beauty of it. You don’t have to explain anything. Never this one person! A love letter in 9 points…

by Christine Rickhoff

9 reasons why you are irreplaceable

1. We simply skip “What happened so far”.

If I call you with concerns, we can drop all the preparatory banter. I don’t have to tell you how it used to be at home, why I have what relationship to money, unreliability or blended families. We can start at the heart of the problem and that’s worth so much!

2. Our abysses? We’ve known them for a long time

We don’t need any nice talk. You fully understand (and tell me) which qualities in me are really annoying. You also know that I was certainly not entirely innocent in the fight with my husband last weekend. But who, if not you, could assure me so credibly that I’m still ok the way I am? I believe you anyway. Because only you know so many hard facts.

3. You know who I REALLY am

Which brings us to the next point. If I took weird paths, you’d probably be the first to notice. Because when I was 6 I already told you what was important to me. It’s a good thing that you remind me of it from time to time.

4. Back to the roots

Every day with you is full of memories. When you cook for me, it reminds me of our miserable to passable first attempts at the stove. Of our self-pounded vinegar tree soup. And the tests of courage where we sucked pure sweetener. I still have that bond feeling with you. And when you romp with my kids, it feels just as nice as it used to.

5. What a crazy time

Of course, every time is somehow intense, but no other phase of life comes close to childhood and teenage years. We wrote letters to each other. Losing our friendship forever. Shared, yelled at each other, founded a hospital, buried animals in tears, made the wildest plans and swore that we would never forget each other. How wise of us!

6. You are part of my DNA

We are the sum of the people we surround ourselves with in our lives. And you, you’re not a variable in my equation. You will always stand there. And that’s a damn good thing!

7. For you I will always be me

No matter how cool I can be to fit into a new environment, I’ll always be me for you. And you know what? This is really extremely calming! Should I ever lose myself: I know where I will find myself again!

8. Sometimes you understand me better than I understand myself

Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees and 1000 question marks whirl through your head. How good it is when you know someone who can read you like an experienced passenger reading a map. You know me like the back of your hand. And sometimes actually a bit better than myself.

9. Decades and kilometers cannot harm us

The year abroad, the years of silence, the many kilometers between your front door and mine… if none of this can harm us, what else is going to happen to us? In a fast world where everything moves so fast, this one constant is worth GOLD.


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