We know why Blue Origin’s Shepard rocket crashed

Blue Origin has determined the reasons for the loss of its New Shepard rocket. A nozzle defect, which could not withstand higher temperatures than expected.

It is not yet known when Blue Origin spaceflight will resume. On the other hand, we know why the last mission went very badly and why the American company founded by Jeff Bezos has not relaunched a launcher since mid-September 2022. A publication shared on March 24 indeed gives explanations for the failure of last fall.

With the support of the agency responsible for supervising civil aviation in the United States, the National Transportation Safety Board and the space agency (Nasa), Blue Origin was able to determine that the failure that caused the Loss of the NS-23 mission comes from a structural failure of the engine nozzle, one minute and four seconds after liftoff.

For further

A defect in a nozzle

The direct cause of the mishap is a thermostructural failure of the engine nozzle โ€œ, sums up the group. This resulted in a ” thrust misalignment ยป, triggering the evacuation system of the capsule. Of the ” thermal damage were noted, as well as โ€œ hot streaks due to an excessive rise in operating temperature.

During the September 12 mission, no one was on board the capsule (there were only commercial and scientific loads). This was recovered shortly afterwards and demonstrated, in unexpected circumstances, the proper functioning of the survival device, which must intervene in the event of a critical failure.

Blue Origin's rocket.  // Source: Blue Origin (modified with Canva)
Blue Origin’s rocket. // Source: Blue Origin (modified with Canva)

All systems intended to ensure public safety functioned as intended โ€œ, further insisted Blue Origin, noting the absence of injuries on the one hand, degradation of ground systems on the other hand and, finally, a fall of debris which was limited to the area planned for this effect. The capsule itself is fine and can be reused, the company says

Blue Origin treats nozzle weakness. A modification of the design of the combustion chamber and of the operating parameters is in progress, with the objective of reducing the temperature rise of the engine. Structural improvements are also highlighted to better withstand thermal and dynamic loads.

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