Assassin’s Creed Mirage too ugly? Ubisoft will fix this

A number of Assassin’s Creed Mirage owners are complaining about an issue that has not yet been fixed. Fortunately, the good news is that this will soon change.

The time has come to book your ticket to Baghdad, since the new opus of the Assassin’s Creed franchise has officially been released. Called Mirage, it aims to be an episode that will bring back longtime fans. In our columns, we compared it more to a beautiful homage than to a real comeback of the classic formula. It’s in any case a good game, but despite its qualities, a problem seems to remain. And some players are not happy.

A disturbing visual parameter of Assassin’s Creed Mirage

The problem in question concerns an option that can be found in the Assassin’s Creed Mirage menu. Indeed, if we go to the game’s graphics settings, we notice a small detail that has not escaped the community: chromatic aberration is activated by default. On paper, nothing serious, but you can’t deactivate it. As a reminder, this option causes color distortion which adds an unnecessary colored outline to the edge of objects. Assassin’s Creed Mirage uses it to reinforce immersion in its sunny Middle Eastern atmosphere. Unfortunately, it’s not to everyone’s taste.

Many fans have pointed out that the chromatic aberration is too violent. A Reddit member explained his feelings about the rendering, obtaining no less than 200 responses. “ Every corner or line of every object is a blurry mess with multi-colored fringes “. Among the people who reacted under the post, some really cannot stand the dosage of this effect in the title: “ Honestly, it hurts my eyes to play and I started to feel sick after a while “. A wave of complaints therefore does not go unnoticed. Ubisoft seems to have taken matters into its own hands, as a user noticed on the studio’s Discord. An additional feature appears to be on the way to provide the option to remove chromatic aberration in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

A temporary solution to correct the problem

If you own a PC, know that it is already possible to get rid of chromatic aberration in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. A Nexus mod has been deployed, adding the option to disable it. The result, or at least an idea of ​​the result, can be seen in the video below. It comes to us from the Digital Dreams channel. The latter offers us gameplay in 8K 60fps with chromatic aberration absent. The game is still beautiful, and it makes you want to dive into it. For the record, it is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series X|S.

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