This bad behavior, prohibited by law when one conducts oneself, makes you “a psychopath”, according to a study

Have you ever thought that certain actions at the wheel could result in better reactions than simple poor reflexes? A recent study reveals that a current practice that is more illegal than carrying your life in danger, but could also indicate personality traits that are less… disturbing. What it used to be and why it is considered a real warning signal.

Drive a vehicle constant attention and strict respect for security rules. Despite the warnings and regulations, many drivers continue to adopt risky actions behind the wheel. The distractions, of course the use of the mobile phonefigure among the main causes of accidents on the road. In France, using the phone while driving is permitted by a end of 135 euros and a withdrawal of points from the driving license, a measure which seems to disturb this dangerous practice.

It is important to understand that each action at the wheel has potentially serious consequences. Other accident riskscertain things can also be reflected the darkest aspects of our personalityas he recalls a recent study. The respect the rules There is not only a question of conformity with the law; It is also an indicator of our way of enhancing the life and safety of others.

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A gesture that is a mirror of our personality

The study was published in the scientific journal PLOS One tested the habits of nearly 1,000 conductors. The study results are for the least reporters: those who frequently use their telephone for send messages in conducting a demonstration of the characteristics associated with “dark triad” of the personality that understands the narcissismthe Machiavellism and the psychopathy.

This personality traitswhich includes a ego superdimensionnéa lack of empathy, and a need for manipulate the otherscan appear alarmingly in undesirable movements at the wheel. The act of deliberately ignoring the risks for yourself and for others can be a sign d’absence of remorse and consideration for human life.

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The impact of smartphones on driving

Read smartphones There are now distractions that are omnipresent in modern life, but their use at the wheel is particularly problematic. According to the study, 61% of people questioned please use your telephone en conducting. This addiction to smartphones at the wheel do not even notice a lack of control; It is also correlated with the provisions antisocial and characteristics of dangerous personality. The research suggests that the use of smartphones could be more effective in order to improve the road safety that attempts to change the personality of the conductors. Consequently, increase awareness and integrate specific training on the dangers of using the telephone while travelling are vital steps to prevent risky situations.

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It is essential to understand the deep motivations of certain dangerous situations. Identifying and addressing these personality traitsit is possible to develop more suitable strategies to prevent risky and save lives. If you look closely at verify your phone in transitapart from the risks and interdictions, take a moment to reflect on what could happen to you yourself. Your “poor demeanor” n’est pas seuulement illegal; it could also do you, according to the latest studies, a real “psychopath”. Change your habits, for your good and that of others.

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