Alex Mariah Peter: She gained 20 kilos

Alex Mariah Peter
The GNTM trans star has gained 20 kilos


On Instagram, GNTM winner Alex Mariah shares an honest update on her weight with her followers and reveals that she is currently not doing well.

During the last season of “Germany’s Next Top Model”, Alex Mariah Peter, 23, made an impression not only with her story, but also with her dimensions. During the show and afterwards, the model landed loads of orders. In her Instagram story, she now gives an honest body update that may surprise some fans.

Alex Mariah Peter: Honest body update

“I have a big problem. I just don’t feel really well at the moment,” says the 23-year-old openly. She also gives an example of this: In her apartment, which is only a kind of temporary solution for her, she does not feel at home. But there is something else that troubles you. “Then I’ve gained 20 kilos since the beginning of the year,” she says dryly and soberly into the camera.

Alex Mariah Peter: The GNTM trans star has gained 20 kilos


“I don’t feel like hiding it”

According to Alex Mariah, this is not the first time that she has put on and lost “so blatantly”. “The yo-yo effect is my third first name,” said the GNTM winner. Around three years ago she weighed more than 100 kilos; however, her weight was always “well distributed”.

Alex Mariah Peter: The GNTM trans star has gained 20 kilos


In her Instagram story she also shows photos from the past and pictures from last summer. She looks great on both, but wears a different dress size. She is currently wearing size 40, she explains and confidently adds:

I don’t feel like hiding this.

Alex Mariah Peter: The GNTM trans star has gained 20 kilos


However, it is not the number on the scale that bothers the 23-year-old, but rather the fact that she feels unfit. That is why she has made the following decision: “I am a person of extremes and that is why I now decide to take extreme care of myself.” This includes better nutrition and regular exercise. Alex Maria already has a fitness trainer.

There seems to be a lot of positive feedback from her community for the honest words of the GNTM winner 2021. That’s why she wanted to share more of her life and, above all, with her fans in the future.

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