These 5 things happen with low blood sugar


Especially diabetics can quickly slip into a hypo. What happens to the body when it is hypoglycised, you will find out here.

If the blood sugar level is too low, it can lead to low blood sugar. The value is below 3.3 mmol / l (60 mg / dl), but the transitions between the boundaries are fluid. Often the hypoglycaemia occurs by drugs that reduce blood sugar. But other factors can also play a role – for example, a postponed meal or unplanned physical effort. Especially diabetics need to control their blood sugar levels in order to be able to take countermeasures in time.

Do not worry about slight fluctuations

Those who have diabetes should pay close attention to possible signs of hypoglycaemia. But even those who do not suffer from diabetes, can be affected – so it is good to be able to assign the typical symptoms of hypoglycemia. The following applies: Slight fluctuations are completely normal and those who are only a little under-sugared, rather need not worry about possible consequences. 

That happens when you’re hypoglycemic 

The following five signs indicate hypoglycaemia:

1. The sweat breaks out

Cold sweat is usually perceived as very unpleasant. In case of hypoglycemia, it is mainly on the forehead, in parallel sufferers often suffer from dizziness and tachycardia.

2. You wander around restlessly

Relaxed lying around is practically impossible with low blood sugar. The body needs energy, so it forces us to unrest. This can increase to proper nervousness and eventually to feelings of anxiety.

3. Your head is hammering

Headaches can have many causes and are therefore often considered a nonspecific symptom. Diabetics suffer from hypoglycaemia and are particularly likely to have it and can quickly recognize headache as a sign of hypoglycaemia.

4. You are hungry

Cravings are a logical consequence of low blood sugar. Finally, the brain raises alarm in this way, it demands immediate supply of sugar. Mostly we then go directly to chocolate, chips and Co. – they provide us with energy quickly, but also only for a short time. More suitable are healthy snacks such as nuts.

5. You are confused

 With heavy hypoglycaemia the body starts to play crazy. Concentration disorders can occur, but also confusion. For example, you might lose your orientation in an actually familiar place.

What to do if you have low blood sugar?

To counteract hypoglycemia, we should eat something that gives us fast energy. Instead of sweets but are more suitable grape sugar or sweetened lemonade (no sweetener please). Severe hypoglycaemia, which occurs especially in diabetics, can lead to unconsciousness. In this case, the hormone glucagon should be injected. If this is not possible, the ambulance should be called!