“Mom is raining cords” or the art of separating from your parents


Getting away to find each other better: here is the common trait of four animated short films, original and hard-hitting, which hit theaters on Wednesday 1er December. They are united in the program Mom is raining hard, which refers to the title of one of the four films, directed by Hugo de Faucompret.

Let’s start with this one, worked in painting in a contrast of warm and icy colors – with the voices of Yolande Moreau, Céline Sallette and Arthur H. -, where Jeanne, 8 years old, mischievous and autonomous, because she is used to the absences of her parents, must go to spend Christmas alone with her grandmother. The little girl is reluctant but the old lady is full of fantasy, as is her old friend Cloclo, who looks like a giant. The little girl will later understand that her mother is going through a difficult period and is resting in a hospital. Without sentimentality but with humor and a touch of insolence, Mom is raining hard takes the heroine on a whirlwind of adventures that will make her grow.

Bewitching atmosphere

Likewise, in Babouchkas New Year’s Eve (2019), by Natalia Mirzoyan, a child goes from disappointment to joy: the evening of December 31 at Mamie’s – without mom and dad, gone to party on their side – will be more joyful than expected.

Dalia’s World (2020), by Javier Navarro Aviles, seduces with its soft and bewitching atmosphere. A little girl visits a tropical greenhouse with her father and steps aside, finding herself alone in front of the immensity of exotic leaves, real characters that give her short-lived chills.

Finally, the black and white graphic ofAbout a Mother (2015), by Dina Velikovskaya, depicts the life of a mother with long hair as a path, which can be transformed at leisure to help her sons. a Barbapapa feminine.

French and Russian program of four animated short films. From 5 years old (50 min).

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