Death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut: emotion and tribute from the political class

The Head of State, his Prime Minister, presidential candidates and other political figures paid tribute to Jean-Pierre Pernaut who died on Wednesday at the age of 71.

The one who accompanied the lunch of the French for thirty three years is no more. Jean-Pierre Pernaut died on Wednesday, a few weeks before his 72nd birthday. Several political figures saluted the memory of the star journalist, who retired in December 2020. The Head of State shared a nice shot of the journalist on his chair on the news, saluting this journalist “who lived in the heart of our homes. “. “For thirty years, he made an appointment at 1 p.m. with French women and men to send them the latest information, but also his passion for France, our regions, our heritage. We won’t forget it,” wrote Emmanuel Macron on social networks. At the start of the five-year term, in April 2018, we remember that the presenter of 13 Hours had interviewed the Head of State for more than an hour from the class of a primary school in Orne.

The Prime Minister Jean Castex, ex-mayor of Prades, a commune in the Pyrénées Orientales, declared on Twitter that “the France of the territories is losing this familiar voice and this reassuring face which spoke so well of her and knew how to speak to her so well”. “Not a hamlet in our country was unknown to him. Not a tradition of our lands was foreign to him,” he added.

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Several presidential candidates also shared their memories and honored the journalist. Marine Le Pen said she was “sincerely moved to learn of the disappearance of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who was keen to share with the French his passion for our land and our traditions, his love for the beauties of our country”. Valerie PĂ©cresse cries “his friend”, who “fought against the disease with immense courage”.

Anne Hidalgo greets the one who “was for years the embodiment of the rich life of our territories” and expresses his “great sadness”.

“Tonight I am sad”, confides on Twitter Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. “Jean-Pierre Pernaut loved the French so much. His daily meeting was the faithful mirror of the France we love so much. I am thinking of his family and loved ones.”

Eric Zemmour considers that the former presenter through his 1 p.m. news “knew how to bring life and love to our rural France and its treasures to millions of French people”.

Jumble, Richard Ferrand remembered this “journalist loved by the French, he knew how to promote the territories in each of his newspapers”, while the Minister of Agriculture Julien Denormandie hailed this “fervent defender of the beauty and diversity of our territories and our agriculture”. Xavier-Bertrand, president of the Hauts-de-France region, so dear to Jean-Pierre Pernaut, paid tribute to “the lover of France, its territories and his native Picardy, he made us discover every day with passion the beauty of our country and its land”. “His authenticity will be missed by all of us,” he wrote on Twitter. “Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who for many spectators has become a member of their family, left us, was moved Rachida Dati. He will remain for all a sincere voice, a tender and singular gaze on our country which has shared with us its love of France and the French. My thoughts to his loved ones.

With an archive photo, of the young presenter at the controls of the JT, Christopher Castaner evokes the disappearance of a “lover of France, a piece of history and a gentleman of television.”

“Like many French people, I loved him for what he was: someone who simply loved others,” said Laurent Wauquiez.

While the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi assures him: Jean-Pierre Pernaut “will keep a special place for a whole generation of French people”.

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