Nathalie Marquay goes back on stage with a lot of emotion


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Currently playing in a play, Nathalie Marquay resumed her role, a few days after the funeral of her husband Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

An evening full of emotions. Nathalie Marquay is currently appearing in the play “Les Tontons farceurs” alongside Philippe Chevallier and Bruno Chapelle, in particular. While the troupe was performing at the Nantes theater on March 12, Nathalie Marquay got back on stage. Three days after the funeral of her husband Jean-Pierre Pernaut, the former Miss wanted to be present on stage. The evening ended with great emotion, with a new tribute of the actress that she shared on her Instagram account.

“He would be really happy to see me on stage tonight. You know Jean-Pierre, he is someone who always liked to work who never wanted to stop so for him I wanted to be there”, explained Nathalie Marquay. While she had to cancel her participation during several performances, when the ex-presenter of TF1 had been hospitalizedthis one would have it “bashed” because she wasn’t going. Despite the difficulty of such an effort when it is in mourningthe actress assured that she wanted “to be strong like him”.

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In addition to paying tribute to her husband, Nathalie Marquay wanted to honor to his comrades. In commentary to the video posted on Instagram, the former Miss greeted “the benevolence and support of [ses] accomplices of this piece”. Alongside Philippe Chevallier, Bruno Chapelle, Catherine Vranken and David Le Roch, the 54-year-old mother found the strength to get back on stage to play this play full of meaning for her. Those who had been in love for twenty years shared a common passion for the theaterand Jean-Pierre Pernaut particularly appreciated “Les Tontons farceurs”.

Louise Leboyer


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