A family forced to live with hundreds of bats

Dor nearly a month, several hundred of them have found refuge under the roof of a house in La Meilleraye-de-Bretagne, in Loire-Atlantique. As our colleagues from BFMTV report, a mother and her three children suffer from the presence of an impressive number of bats whose noise makes their life impossible. “It lasts all night, it goes in, it comes out, it scratches, it’s unbearable,” she testifies.

Already a year ago, after the period of hibernation of the bats, many of them were already occupying the premises. “For a month and a half, it was already a disaster,” says the mother. A specialist then intervenes with a repellent to chase them away, but they have been back since last May.

A protected species during the breeding season

In the space of just over half an hour, the family has 198 bats. “Even with a sleeping pill, in my current room, I’m awake all the time,” she continues. So, I sleep on a mattress in the bedroom of my oldest. It’s not an easy situation for a teenager who needs her privacy, just like me. »

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This time, impossible to hunt them as in the past: they are too numerous, including for specialists. Especially since there is no question of exterminating them: bats are a protected species and in the midst of their reproduction period. “The destruction, alteration or degradation of animal breeding sites and resting places” is prohibited under the Environmental Code. For the family of La Meilleraye-de-Bretagne, no solution before the end of the summer.

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