Speeches on the national holiday – “Keep going and stay positive”: Appeals from the Federal Council – News

  • The series of federal celebrations started on Sunday across the country. The Federal Councilors hold no fewer than 14 speeches.
  • Federal President Ignazio Cassis is on a big “Tour de Suisse” with four appearances.
  • “We can argue, even argue loudly,” said Cassis in Knonau (ZH). “It is important, however, that we relearn the ability to reconcile.”
  • The other Federal Councilors also took the floor. Despite the mood of crisis in the country, Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin called for celebrations.

“Today it’s not about gloating, it’s about celebrating,” said the Economics Minister in a speech on a farm in Oberwald (VS). The trained Vaud winemaker admitted: “2022 is definitely not an excellent vintage. And the year isn’t even over yet.”

Supply bottlenecks, rising living costs, insecure energy supply, mood of crisis: Switzerland is in the most difficult time since the last energy crisis almost 50 years ago, said Parmelin. “Nevertheless, we have to keep going and should stay as positive as possible.”

Federal President Cassis on the «Tour de Suisse»

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Federal President Ignazio Cassis, with his wife Paola Rodoni and farm manager Jean-Jacques Duperrex (left) during a farm tour in Knonau.

Keystone/Michael Buholzer

Federal President Ignazio Cassis (FDP) made the first stop on his “Tour de Suisse” in Knonau, Zurich. At a farm brunch, he spoke about the fact that nothing can be taken for granted, as you see it in the world at the moment.

“Since the outbreak of the pandemic, we have been living in a persistent crisis mode. Reality has long surpassed our imagination – and we have a lot of imagination,” said Cassis in front of around 350 visitors in the barn of the Stöckweid farm.

Of course, one should also be happy when the world gets out of joint. It is currently becoming clear to everyone that nothing can be taken for granted. “We must fight so that we can have freedom and prosperity. All of this is not available for free.”

“We can argue, we can also argue loudly,” Cassis said. “But it is also important that we relearn the ability to reconcile.”

Keller-Sutter: Defense of Values

Meanwhile, Federal Councilor Karin Keller-Sutter called for the defense of values ​​in her speech at the MolĂ©son summit (FR). Now that war is raging again in Europe, our freedoms, security, institutions and political culture must be defended – both in federal Berne and by everyone at their own level.

The Ukraine war also prompted Federal Councilor Viola Amherd to emphasize the value of democracy and the rule of law in her speech. In Winterthur (ZH), Amherd explained that anti-democratic tendencies also exist in the middle of Europe today. Discord would be sown far beyond the borders via social media – also in Switzerland.

Berset: Approaching each other has become more important

Health Minister Alain Berset criticized the evening before in Lucerne that there was constant outrage, baseless polemics and anger at people in the public eye on social media. There is no room for rapprochement, for dialogue and compromise.

Federal councilors on a celebratory August 1st mission

According to Berset, approaching one another has become even more important in order to cope with major challenges such as war, scarcity, inflation, global warming or pension provision.

The fact that we fight each other – and then get together again, keeps Switzerland together.

He was optimistic and, in his speech in Lucerne, advocated not always being nice, but rather arguing about everything – but not endlessly. “The fact that we fight each other – and then pull ourselves together again” holds Switzerland together.

Tackling the new energy revolution

In addition to Berset, Energy Minister Simonetta Sommaruga had her first August 1st appearance on July 31st. In a speech in Saas-Balen in Valais, the SP Federal Councilor called for the pioneering spirit to promote local energies such as wind, water and solar power.

Given the dependency on Russian gas, hydropower is more in demand than ever. Switzerland has already experienced an energy transition, said Sommaruga. After the First World War, coal imports from abroad failed.

The ancestors then expanded hydropower and freed Switzerland from its dependence on coal. Now the current generation has to tackle it. It is important to find the best solution between protection and user interests.

Finance Minister Ueli Maurer honors Dietlikon (ZH), Neunkirch (SH) and Marbachegg (LU).

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