Here are the best positions for sleeping during pregnancy

Finding the optimal position for yourself and your baby can make periods of falling asleep endless. Here are some tips to help you get a good night's sleep.

It's hard to sleep well when you're pregnant. Between nausea, heartburn, anxiety, the need to go to the bathroom all the time… All of these symptoms can quickly make life impossible when you are lying in your bed patiently waiting for sleep. It is during the last trimester that it becomes more and more difficult, because of the size of your belly.

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Ideally, how should a pregnant woman sleep? To begin with, you should choose the posture that works best for you, although it is true that some are more suitable than others. During pregnancy, experts recommend to sleep on the left sidebecause this position promotes the flow of blood and nutrients to the uterus and to the baby. In addition, this position will make it easier for your kidney to remove waste and fluids. It is also a position that helps you sleep better. Here are more!

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On the side with a pillow between the legs

In this position, the spine is kept straight, which avoids putting the weight of one leg on the other. You can also use long pillows that allow you to support your stomach. Sense of comfort and security guaranteed! Experts recommend this position especially at the end of pregnancy.

To read also: Pregnant, you have to sleep on your left side: info or intox?

To do this, a breastfeeding pillow can help you to sleep, but also to adopt a comfortable position when you breastfeed your baby.

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Feet in the air

Cramps remain a real problem throughout the period of pregnancy. If you have poor circulation, ankles or legs that swell like balloons, sleeping with your legs up (supported by cushions) should provide relief. This position will help your blood circulate and prevent varicose veins, stings and cramps.

Semi-sitting position

In the event of stomach discomfort or reflux, it is recommended that you sit halfway down with cushions or pillows for support. The goal is always to be comfortable. A reading pillow can be your perfect ally to adopt this position when sleeping.

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On the back

This position is one of the least recommended. Why ? Quite simply, by sleeping on your back, all the weight of your uterus, your intestines and your inferior vena cava is placed on your back, which can cause damage in the long term. It can also affect your digestion. However, as a position to adopt for a short, one-time period, lying on your back can be a relief and help you think.

Even though nine months may seem like endless sleepless, try to make the most of it, because this period is unique. For sleeping, every woman has her preferences and one position may not be suitable for another. Try several and do not be discouraged, these ailments will not last a lifetime!