Vaccine against Covid-19: Nicolas Bedos mocks the government's strategy: Femme Actuelle The MAG

Nicolas Bedos never mince words, especially when it comes to government … and he has proven it once again! While the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 just started in France, the actor and director among others of the next OSS 117 did not help but say out loud what he thinks of these measures. The French premiere was vaccinated on December 27, 2020, but between that date and December 30, only 138 patients received the vaccine in France, while the number is increased to 800,000 in England and nearly 130,000 in Germany. For the actor, the observation is simple: France is way too late compared to its neighbors, and it is the government's fault … It must be said that Nicolas Bedos is known for his positions on sensitive subjects such as the coronavirus and his comments which were sometimes shocking (to the point that his second Instagram account was deleted ). But nothing will prevent him from sending messages through his social networks.

"They will not have spared us anything"

Thus, on Saturday January 2, 2021, the actor known for his roles in The good times or Love and turbulence at shared a graph of the number of vaccinations by country in the world (whose figures are no longer up to date), while pointing the finger at the backwardness of France. "Hahahaha they won't spare us anything ", he adds under the graphic posted on his Instagram account, accompanied by a crying emoticon with laughter and another looking dismayed. This publication of the son of Guy Bedos has divided his followers. comments, some pointed to the fact that more than half of French people did not want to be vaccinated anyway, others said they feared the side effects of the vaccine, while still others were of the opinion of the actor.

Anyway, on December 31, the Minister of Health Olivier VĂ©ran had already wished to reassure those who were worried about the pace of the vaccination campaign in France: "Be reassured. The vaccination campaign will soon gain momentum. The vaccine is a historic chance to end this pandemic and return to normal life. We will not miss"he had announced on Twitter.

Read also : Nicolas Bedos victim of a fracture: his chaotic end of the year