Atomic Heart is postponed to this winter and will eventually be published by Focus Entertainment

We suspected it a little since his last appearance. When Atomic Heart finally gave some news during Gamescom with a trailer, the studio had removed the mention of the year 2022, while the game was originally scheduled for the end of this year, during the fourth quarter. So we expected the game to announce its postponement, but Mundfish obviously wanted the festivities of the German show to end to announce the news to us.

An expected postponement

So it’s official, Atomic Heart will probably not be released in 2022, but during the winter, in other words between the end of December and March 2023.

The other big news, it is that of the partnership between Mundfish and the French publisher Focus Entertainment. Robert BagratuniCEO of the studio, spoke about this collaboration:

When we founded the studio five years ago, we set ourselves the goal of creating a world-class game that could be enjoyed by millions of gamers around the world. Today, when the stakes are higher than ever, we are finally ready to reveal everything we have been preparing for all these years. We couldn’t be happier to prepare for the release with such an experienced publisher, and we have no doubt that Focus Entertainment has a truly exceptional release for the game. »

So we wait Atomic Heart for next winter, still on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

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