Jean-Marie Bigard praises Laurent Ruquier and tackles the government again: Current Woman The MAG

His fans, like his detractors, have understood it well: Jean-Marie Bigard never misses an opportunity to give his opinion on everything. The comedian, known for his sometimes very controversial positions, has regularly attacked the government since the onset of the health crisis. So obviously, when Karine Lacombe, head of the infectious disease department at Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris, was invited on January 9, 2021 in the show We are live sure France 2 to talk about the current health crisis and that during the program, Strong tensions have arisen between the infectious disease specialist and Laurent Ruquier, the comedian necessarily talks about it on social networks.

It all started with this sentence launched by Laurent Ruquier on January 9, 2021: "Sorry, but I want to defend the restaurateurs and the people who run cafes, because here we are told that the epidemic will start again but the bars, restaurants, theaters, cinemas have been closed since the end of October, so this is not in bars, cinemas, theaters and restaurants that the epidemic has started again! Or ?" This is the excerpt that catches the attention of the comedian. "My Laurent, you know how much I love you …I hope that this balancing live truth will not cost you your place on the Public Service… "wrote Jean-Marie Bigard on his twitter account on January 24, 2021 by posting the video.

Jean-Marie Bigard towards a new controversy?

His position quickly prompted mixed Internet users to react … Some have indeed shown their agreement with his comments by liking and commenting: "I admit that he is not wrong, we are talking about a new confinement while all these establishments have been closed for a while So the proof that closing them has nothing to improve. "

Others try to temper: "In fact you take the problem the other way around,he situation would be catastrophic if all these establishments were open, and the number of deaths and even more hospitalized patients is the precautionary principle! "

Read also : Jean-Marie Bigard: his humorous response to critics