Bayonetta 3: The change of actress is confirmed, Bayonetta will no longer have the same voice

We had great doubts that Hellena Taylor resume his role in Bayonetta 3, and this concern has recently been confirmed. The actress had lent her voice to the heroine in the first episodes of the series, before insinuating that she would not be back in the third opus. Platinum Games made it official during an interview with Game Informer, since Bayonetta 3 is the magazine’s October star of the month.

New voice for the witch

During this interview, the director Yusuke Miyata confirmed that Hellena Taylor was no longer the voice of Bayonetta, and that the role was given to Jennifer Hale. An actress whose voice you may know, since she recently dubbed Rivet in the latest Ratchet and Clankbut also the female version of Commander Shepard in Mass Effectwithout forgetting Naomi Hunter in the series Metal Gear Solid.

Yusuke Miyata explains the reasons behind this change:

Various circumstances that piled up made it difficult for Hellena Taylor to reprise her role. We held auditions to choose the new voice of Bayonetta and offered the role to Jennifer Hale, who we thought was a good fit for the character. I understand some fans’ concerns about the voice change at this point in the series, but Jennifer’s performance was way beyond what we could have imagined. I’m confident her portrayal of Bayonetta will exceed our fans’ expectations. »

It will therefore probably take a little time for fans to adapt to the idea that Bayonetta’s voice is no longer the same, at least if they are used to playing with English voices. On the Japanese dubbing side, nothing changes, with Atsuko Tanaka which remains the voice of the witch.

Bayonetta 3 will be available on Nintendo Switch on October 28.

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