Skrei: Delicious recipes with the winter cod

Skrei – the Norwegian game fish

Matjes, sea bream and cod – we love fish! But there is one thing that really impressed us: the one from Norway Skrei is a real treat that we can't eat often enough during its season! The most popular fish in Norwegian waters is only caught in winter. It owes its second name to this fact: Winter cod.

The Skrei seasonstarts in January and ends in April. At that time, the fish in the north of the country is on its way from the Barents Sea to its spawning areas in Lofoten.

Sustainable ski fishing in Norway

Skrei is subject to strict rules Quality criteria: For example, it must not have any pressure points and must be caught with a long line or hand rod – which makes skri fishing a sustainable fishing method. In addition, it must be completely bleeded out immediately after being caught and cleaned with seawater. It should not be more than four hours before it is brought ashore. During this time the fish must be constantly cooled.

These criteria ensure the very good quality of Norwegian Game fishwho are on the predicate Skrei® can be seen.

Skrei – delicious and healthy

Skrei stands out for being white meat out. Since the fish can travel up to 1,000 kilometers a year, it is the ski fillet low fatand firm. This is what makes it so popular with all fish fans. The saltwater fish can hardly be topped in terms of taste and also very healthy. It has many important vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Skrei: preparation and tips

The Norwegian cod is tasty in many ways: whether fried, poached, dried as stockfish or grilled, it puts all other cod recipes in the shade. The skinHowever, it should always remain on the fillet, as the healthy omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are between meat and skin. In addition, the preparation including the fish skin prevents the fish fillet from disintegrating. In addition, the skin side of the fillets, for example grilled, tastes really nice and crispy.

Those who like cod will love Skrei! From skrei in paprika oil to fish tagine with lentils and coconut milk – we provide the right recipes for these delights here.