Samsung is one of the most used passwords in the world and it’s a very bad idea

As surprising as it may seem, “samsung” is one of the most popular passwords in the world, alongside the great classics “azerty” and “12345”. In its latest report, Nordpass indicates that the Korean firm also serves as a password for many users, across no less than 30 countries. Needless to say, this is not a very wise choice.

A few days ago, we shared with you the list of the worst, but no less popular passwords of 2022. In the latter, we find of course the regulars of the ranking, from the sequence of numbers to the most famous football players. But one of them is not in the top 10, even though it is used in more than 30 countries, according to the latest Nordpass report. It is neither more nor less than Samsung.

Whether written with or without capital letters, this password is indeed used by millions of people around the world. Worse still, it is even more and more frequent on our devices. While the Korean firm was in 189th place for the most used passwords in 2020, she rose to 78th place in 2021. A gigantic leap that nevertheless undermines the personal data and security of all its users.

On the same subject: 60% of Internet users use the same password on several platforms despite the dangers

Do not use Samsung as a password

Ironically, Samsung isn’t even the most used password brand across the world. Indeed, as Nordpass notes, other brands like Tiffany, Nike or Adidas are even higher in the rankings. Kia and Mini are also present in a significant way. In other words, these passwords are particularly bad. On average, it will hardly take a second to a hacker to decipher these with the right equipment.

In France, the situation is hardly better, with the word “Teddyยป among the most used passwords in France. Finally, the classics “123456” and “guest” still occupy the podium of the worst (and yet the most used) passwords of the year, all countries combined. Remember that there are good practices for creating a strong password, in particular the fact that it contains at least 8 characters.

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