YouTube takes new steps to fight comment spam

If you regularly use YouTube, you may have found that the comments section of some videos quickly turns into a battlefield. YouTube has finally decided to turn the screw on this topic.

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Whether it’s bots or spammers looking to scam unsuspecting users with fake giveaways or cryptocurrency scams, the platform’s comments section has always had its problems. YouTube has finally announced that it is taking new steps to combat comment spam and channel impersonation.

In a blog post published today on the company’s site, YouTube’s “Rob” announced that the platform has already deleted over a billion spam comments in the first half of 2022but she now wants to go even further.

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YouTube will warn users who break the rules in the comments

As part of a new stricter moderation policy, YouTube says it will send a notification to people whose abusive comments have been removed for violating the rules of the platform.

If, despite this notification, a user continues to post abusive comments, the service will ban him from posting any further comments for 24 hours. Already tested for several weeks, YouTube has found that notifications and blackout times have worked well, which is why they are now being rolled out more widely.

Unfortunately, Hate comment detection is currently only available for English commentsbut the streaming service aims to include more languages ​​in the future.

About fake channels impersonating more well-known creators using special characters, this tactic will soon be a little less successful. According to YouTube, the character set users can use to update a channel’s name is being limited.

Finally, YouTube promises a β€œ Improved bot detection in live chats “, which aims to prevent bots from accessing and interrupting creators’ live streams. It will be necessary to wait a few weeks before seeing if these new measures will have the impact that the company hopes for.

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