Cynthia, Michel Sardou’s daughter, talks about her gang rape: “My father suffered a lot”: Current Woman The MAG

Time for reconstruction. After a terrible drama lived in his youth, that of a gang rape, Michel Sardou’s daughter, Cynthia, has rebuilt herself and looks back on this painful event in the pages of Gala Saturday April 3, 2021. “My father suffered a lot from my drama. It hurt him a lot. He has his silences. More than his words, it was his actions that marked me, she declares, before confiding: “He was always very concerned about my evolution and always made sure to know my feelings “. His attackers have now been tried and convicted. “We will never forget what happened, I’m trying to move on. “” Writing helps me “, admits the novelist today, before concluding: “The lesson I have learned from my father is that you should not be afraid and carry out your projects, keep moving forward”.

Cynthia defends Michel Sardou: “My father never stopped me from saying what I had to say”

Being the daughter of a celebrity has not always been easy, grants Cynthia Sardou to our colleagues from Gala. Her father, mega-star of the song, never restrained her: “However, he never stopped me from saying what I had to say. With my sister and my brothers, he lets us live our life and does not pass judgment.” From Quebec where she has now lived for ten years, Cynthia Sardou has just published her first novel, The film, which features Louise, a Hollywood actress with a triumphant trajectory who stumbles and finds herself in the grip of the man she loves. It was her brother, a seasoned writer, who guided her in this new experience: “At the Sardou, we are very united”, she confides. Cynthia wished to dedicate this novel to one of her best friends suffering from the coronavirus and invested to fight the pandemic alongside caregivers in Montreal.

Read also : Gérard Louvin accused of rape: a famous candidate for reality TV reconsiders his behavior “a little heavy”