In England, a mother has revealed that her one-year-old son had to undergo an extraordinary surgery: the little boy must face a removal of the skull due to an extremely rare anomaly.
The doctors told him the worst news of his life. A 27-year-old mum named Emma Brazier was completely taken aback by her son’s illness, craniosynostosis. If you have never heard this term, it is completely normal: this is an extremely rare condition that occurs when the bones of the skull fuse together. Totally disappointed by the anomaly suffered by her one-year-old boy, Emma Brazier had no choice but to talk to the press about it, to tell her extraordinary story.
Her little boy has to have his skull removed, meaning that the surgeons have to remove several bones from him, because he risks going blind in a few years. The operation will be extremely complicated and painful, but mandatory so that the toddler can live properly until the end of his life. If little Lucas doesn’t have the surgery he desperately needs to remove part of his skull, he could have seizures and go blind. Terrible news for any mom.
The little boy will have more than half of his skull removed
Although the disease was not officially diagnosed until nine months after his birth, in December 2021, parents insisted that Lucas undergo surgery when he was 18 months old. Mum, Emma Brazier, 27, and dad, Jordan Carter, 29, both from the small English town of Barnsley, revealed that surgeons will reshape the shape of their son’s head by removing two-thirds of his skull. “I can’t imagine a mother not being worried about her child having such a major operation on such a vital part of their body, very close to their main body organ.”said the mother.
Over the next six months, Lucas will undergo a life-changing operation – called total calvarial remodeling – during which surgeons will make an incision on the top of Lucas’ head, from ear to ear. This will allow them to remove the skin and soft tissue from his forehead to expose the skull. Emma explains: “The surgeon will then remove two-thirds of the front part of the skull and reshape it by cutting and trimming the bone to give it a more normal shape“. Let’s hope that the operation goes well and that the little boy can have a life… more or less normal.
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