A 17-year-old drunkenly drove past a civilian patrol in his mother’s car

In addition to criminal consequences, this may have also meant trouble with the mother. Because a 17-year-old in Rohrbach overtook a civilian patrol in her car at far too high speed. The reason for the exuberance could have been alcohol, as the young driver had a blood alcohol level of 0.44.

On Wednesday evening around 9.30 p.m. the test driver’s license holder from Pfarrkirchen/M. Driving out of town in his mother’s Audi A4 in the Rohrbach urban area. He overtook a civilian police patrol at excessive speed and drove past a protective island on the left. Continuing dangerous driving. During the follow-up, the officers also discovered that the novice driver ignored a stop sign and drove through a 30 zone at around 85 km/h. In addition, the car repeatedly went far to the left over the middle of the road. Drinking beer while driving. The police stopped the crazy drive and asked the young driver to take a breathalyzer test, which was positive at 0.44 per mille. He admitted to drinking two beers before the journey and a few sips of the passenger’s beer during the journey.
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