A beautiful wallpaper for smartphones, tablets and computers generated by AI

Basic Apple Guy shares (once again) wallpaper for smartphones, computers and tablets. If it is of course very connoted “Apple”, it can also be used on other operating systems such as Android and Windows.

Maybe you don’t know Basic Apple Guy (BAG). This designer regularly shares his creations on his blog, especially when it comes to wallpapers for the iPhone, iPad or Mac.

A colorful wallpaper

For an article on his setup, and in particular his cable management, he needed a shimmering wallpaper that could enhance his minimalist workspace. He explains that he therefore turned to Midjourney, the famous image-generating AI, to create one. “A simple prompt and a few variations later, Flow was the result“, he explains.

In order to adapt the definition to our high resolution screens, he then edited the result with Pixelmator Pro to upscale it. He then applied some changes to the texture and clarity of the image to finally achieve the result above. It’s a colorful and abstract wallpaper full of swirls, obviously reminiscent of the macOS Sonoma wallpaper, itself close to that of Windows XP.

Designed for Apple, available for everyone

Although this wallpaper was originally designed for Apple products (iPhone, iPad and Mac), it can of course be used on other devices. If you like the minimalist style, do not hesitate.

For downloads, head to the Basic Apple Guy site.

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