A Bercy in madness for the KCX 2 despite defeats

End clap for the KCX 2 which took place on June 21 in Bercy. So between concerts, matches on League of Legends and Valorant, a look back at this event.

On the occasion of a crazy evening at Accor Arena in Paris, the Karmine Corp brought together 12,000 Blue Wall fans who gathered to support the team on Valorant and League of Legends.

On site, all the LoL and Valorant players and the Karmine Corp staff as well as the artists Green Montana and Kekra who provided a musical show between the two matches.

Karmine Corp.

After Bercy, what will be the next step for the KCX?

And if the ultras supported the Karmine in a totally crazy atmosphere, the Valorant team lost heavily 2-13 against Vitality.

Tough evening for the Blue Wall since the League of Legends team will also experience a defeat against Misfits Premier.

But if the results were not those expected by the fans and the players, the atmosphere never stopped.

When each player entered in the middle of all the fans, the applause and cries of joy were numerous, and this proves that all the enthusiasm that the fans have for this team is so special here.

Small moment of embarrassment unfortunately when a Karmine fan was invited on stage to present the Spring Split MVP trophy to Saken.

Wanting to pay tribute to the player, the fan in question launched into a little strange music while losing his words before shouting “Fuck Vitality” into the microphone as he left the stage.

Following this event, the association’s Twitter account of the Blue Wall clarified that it was absolutely “unforeseen” and that he had not yet “all the ins and outs of why what happened.

Kameto also took to Twitter apologizing to Vitality.

But despite this slight incident, this second edition of the KCX has kept all its promises and the fans are already waiting impatiently to know what will be the next step.

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